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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 45-48
  本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
王江新 1,2 ,杨 丽 1,2 ,姜建刚,冯秀绒 ,解迎革 ,王 鹤 1∗
1.西北农林科技大学 理学院,陕西 咸阳 712000;2.西北农林科技大学 动物科技学院,陕西 咸阳 712000
Explore the Relationship Between Thermistor Resistanceand Temperature Based on Wheatstone Bridge
WANG Jiangxin1,2,YANG Li1,2 ,JIANG Jiangang1,FENG Xiurong1,XIE Yingge1,WANG He1 *
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大学物理实验课覆盖范围广,具有严谨的理论基础和科学的实验方法,是培养学生科学思维、提高科学素养的重要手段。 但是,目前大学物理实验存在创新性不足,与生活结合性不强等问题。本次实验以热敏电阻替代定值电阻作为研究对象,以惠斯通电桥作为载体,研究NTC 型热敏电阻在不同温度下电阻值与温度之间的关系。 通过拟合温度与电阻值之间的变量关系,得到电阻值(RT)随温度(T)变化的函数关系,进而可以得出在任意温度的电阻值。 基于热敏电阻在日常生活中随处可见,提高学生的学习兴趣,从而进一步提高基础物理实验的拓展性,提高学生的动手能力和创新能力。

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杨 丽
王 鹤
关键词:  大学物理实验  惠斯通电桥  热敏电阻     

College physics experimental projects cover a wide range, which based on rigorous theory andexperimental means.This course provides students with basic experimental skills training,which is an importantmeans to cultivate studentsscientific thinking and improve their scientific literacy.However, there are someproblems such as lack of innovation and lack of integration with life in university physics experiment course.Inthis experiment,thermistor is used to replace the fixed value resistance as the research object,and Wheatstone bridge is used as the carrier to study the relationship between the resistance value and temperature of NTC typethermistor at different temperatures.By fitting the variable relation between temperature and resistance value.the function relation of resistance value changing with temperature is obtained. And then ,the resistance value atany temperature can be obtained.Since thermistors can be seen everywhere in daily life , students’ interest inlearning can be enhanced.This operation can improve the expansion of basic physics experiment,and improvestudents’ practical ability and innovation ability. So students can understand the resistance temperature characteristics of negative temperature thermistor while mastering the working principle of Wheatstone bridge

Key words:  college physics experiments    Wheatstone bridge    thermistor
                    发布日期:  2023-12-25     
ZTFLH:  O4-33  
王江新 , 杨 丽 , 姜建刚 , 冯秀绒 , 解迎革, 王 鹤 . 基于惠斯通电桥探究热敏电阻与温度之间的关系 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 45-48.
WANG Jiangxin, YANG Li , JIANG Jiangang, FENG Xiurong, XIE Yingge, WANG He. Explore the Relationship Between Thermistor Resistanceand Temperature Based on Wheatstone Bridge . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(6): 45-48.
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