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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 126-129
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李幼真,徐富新,龙孟秋,何 彪,郑小娟
中南大学 物理与电子学院,湖南 长沙 410083
Strengthen Curriculum Design and Teach Students to Do Things and Behave———Thoughts and Practice on the Imtegration of Ideological and Political Elements into College Physics Experiment Teaching
LI Youzhen,XU Fuxin,LONG Mengqiu,HE Biao,ZHENG Xiaojuan
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何 彪
关键词:  大学物理实验  课程思政  教学设计     

It is an important responsibility of current educators to integrate the teaching content with ideological and political to improve the moral education abilities.College physics experiment courses play an important role in cultivating students’practical ability and scientific spirit. There are more face-to-face communication opportunities between teachers and students in experiment class compared with theoretical class,thus can provide good opportunities for effective moral and ideological education.In recent years,we carried out reforms like standardize teaching discipline,strengthen curriculum design,introducing the story behind scientists,etc.After the reformations,the students’learning enthusiasm and the class attraction are improved and the correct

outlook on life and values are established imperceptibly.

Key words:  college physics experiment    ideological and political    instructional design
                    发布日期:  2023-08-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642.3  
李幼真, 徐富新, 龙孟秋, 何 彪, 郑小娟. 融入思政元素,教会做事做人———大学物理实验课程思政探索与实践 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 126-129.
LI Youzhen, XU Fuxin, LONG Mengqiu, HE Biao, ZHENG Xiaojuan. Strengthen Curriculum Design and Teach Students to Do Things and Behave———Thoughts and Practice on the Imtegration of Ideological and Political Elements into College Physics Experiment Teaching . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(4): 126-129.
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