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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 136-138
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刘 艳,王长昊
吉林化工学院 理学院,吉林 吉林 132022
Exploration and Practice of Teaching Mode of University PhysicsExperiment Course Under OBE Concept
LIU Yan,WANG Changhao*
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大学物理实验课程对培养学生的理论联系实际的实践能力和综合素质具有重要作用。 针对现阶段传统大学物理实验课程存在的问题,基于OBE教育理念,提出了“以学生为中心,以成果输出为导向”的教学活动改革探索,整个教学活动强调学生的自主探究学习,从而培养学生综合实践和创新能力。 通过实践,取得了较好的教学效果,为提升学生后续投入到社会中可持续性学习实践能力奠定了基础。

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刘 艳
关键词:  OBE教育理念  大学物理实验课程  开放实验教学  教学改革     

The university physics experiment course plays an important role in cultivating students’ practicaability and comprehensive quality of combining theory with practice.ln view of the problems existing in thetraditional university physics experiment course at the present stage , based on the concept of OBE education.we put forward the reform exploration of teaching activities of “ student-centered and results-oriented”.Thewhole teaching activity emphasizes students’ independent inquiry learning, so as to cultivate students' comprehensive practice and innovation ability. Through practice ,good teaching effect has been achieved, whichhas laid a foundation for improving students’ability of sustainable learning practice in the society.

Key words:  OBE educational concept    college physics experiment    open experiment    teaching reform
                    发布日期:  2023-12-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642  
刘 艳, 王长昊 . OBE理念下大学物理实验课程教学模式的探索与实践 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 136-138.
LIU Yan, WANG Changhao. Exploration and Practice of Teaching Mode of University PhysicsExperiment Course Under OBE Concept . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(6): 136-138.
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