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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 102-105
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陈定邦,张 璐,黄佳琳,牛相宏 ,张红光,陈 伟,李兴鳌
南京邮电大学 理学院,江苏 南京 210023
Application of Matlab Software for Data Image Visualizationand Analysis in University Physics Experiments
CHEN Dingbang,ZHANG Lu,HUANG Jialin,NIU Xianghong*,ZHANG Hongguang,CHEN Wei,LI Xingao
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科学计算软件 Matlab 的开发与应用,帮助了学生对《大学物理实验》课程的实验进行数据处理、图像分析和拟合。 通过弗兰克?赫兹实验表现Matlab 软件的数据图像可视化能力,能完美展现极板电流随加速电压变化曲线形成的多个峰值;通过光电效应测量普朗克常数来体现实验数据拟合功能,整合实验曲线,分析截止电压与入射光频率的关系,得到拟合曲线,计算出普朗克常数的大小。 Matlab 的引入能够提升学生对实验的创新性,对培养学生科学素养、逻辑思维能力有很大的帮助,也为学生往后的学习科研工作打下坚实的基础。

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张 璐
陈 伟
关键词:  Matlab  大学物理实验  数据拟合  数据图像可视化     

The development and application of the scientific computing software Matlab have promoted studentsto perform data processing, image analysis, and fitting experiments in the University Physics Experimentscourse.The data image visualization capability of Matlab software is exhibited by the Frank Hertz experimentThis perfectly shows the multiple peaks formed by the polar plate current variation with the accelerated voltage.The Planck constant is measured based on the photoelectric effect to present the capacity , such as, theexperimental data fitting, integrating the experimental curve , analyzing the relationship between the cut-offvoltage and the incident light frequency ,obtaining the fitted curve and calculate the magnitude of the Planckconstant.The introduction of Matlab can enhance students’ creativity in experiments , which helps cultivatestudents' scientific literacy and logical thinking ability and lays a solid foundation for students' future study andresearch work.

Key words:  Matlab    university physics experiments    data fitting    data image visualisation
               出版日期:  2023-06-25      发布日期:  2023-06-25      整期出版日期:  2023-06-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
陈定邦, 张 璐, 黄佳琳, 牛相宏 , 张红光, 陈 伟, 李兴鳌. Matlab软件在《大学物理实验》中数据图像可视化与分析的应用 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 102-105.
CHEN Dingbang, ZHANG Lu, HUANG Jialin, NIU Xianghong, ZHANG Hongguang, CHEN Wei, LI Xingao. Application of Matlab Software for Data Image Visualizationand Analysis in University Physics Experiments . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(3): 102-105.
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