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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 134-138
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郑 冕 ,李久会,王文新,符 伟
辽宁工业大学 理学院,辽宁 锦州 121001
An Attempt to Improve the Teaching Effect of Physics Experiments in Engineering Universities by Using Interactive Teaching Mode
ZHENG Mian*,LI Jiuhui,WANG Wenxin,FU Wei
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《大学物理实验》是工科物理教学两个主线之一,它与《大学物理》相辅相成,共同完成对本科生物理思想和物理方法的传授。 从论证《大学物理实验》的重要性入手,分析了该课程当前的状态,论证了引入交互式教学模式的必要性和可行性。 结合线上教学时进行交互性教学的经验,介绍了在《大学物理实验》课程中初步引入交互式教学的一套方案。 初步尝试的结果显示:如果授课时长和网络平台允许,在《大学物理实验》教学中引入交互模式,以讨论互动的形式进行实验教学,可以有效地激发学生的学习热情,提升学生的学习参与度,改善教学效果。 同时,在实验室线下教学时,可以通过延长教学时长和配备对应的网络实验项目的方法,有限地引入交互式教学。

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郑 冕
符 伟
关键词:  大学物理实验  交互式  教学  凯特摆  谐振子     

University Physics Experiment is one of the two main lines of engineering physics teaching, whichcomplements “ University Physics”to jointly complete the teaching of undergraduate physical ideas andmethods.Starting from the demonstration of the importance of “University Physics Experiment" ,it analyzes the current status of this course , and demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of introducing interactive teachingmode.Combined with the experience of interactive teaching during online teaching, a set of schemes isintroduced ,in which the interactive teaching mode is initially introduced into the course of University Physics Experiment. The results of the preliminary attempt show that under the conditions of sufficient teaching time andappropriate communication platform, the teaching of physics experiments in the form of discussion andinteraction can effectively stimulate the students’enthusiasm for learning, enhance the students learningparticipation , and improve teaching effect. At the same time, when teaching in the laboratory , interactiveteaching mode also can he introduced to a limited extent under the condition of extending the teaching time andequipping with the corresponding network experimental projects.

Key words:  University Physics Experiment    interactive    teaching    Kater pendulum    harmonic vibrator
               出版日期:  2023-06-25      发布日期:  2023-06-25      整期出版日期:  2023-06-25
ZTFLH:  G 420  
郑 冕 , 李久会, 王文新, 符 伟. 用交互式教学改善工科大学物理实验教学效果的尝试 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 134-138.
ZHENG Mian, LI Jiuhui, WANG Wenxin, FU Wei. An Attempt to Improve the Teaching Effect of Physics Experiments in Engineering Universities by Using Interactive Teaching Mode . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(3): 134-138.
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