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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 133-138
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赫文豪 1,2 ,张润青 1 ,杨东杰 1,2* ,陈君青 1,2 ,刘子龙 1,2 ,王晓慧 1,2 ,宁鲁慧 1
1.中国石油大学(北京)油气光学探测技术北京市重点实验室,北京 102249;2.中国石油大学(北京)能源交叉学科基础研究中心,北京 102249
Design of Ideological and Political Educationby Coupling the PetroleumSpirit with the Scientific Spirit in College Physics Course
HE Wenhao1,2,ZHANG Runqing1 , YANG Dongjie1,2*,CHEN Junging1,2,LIU Zilong1,2,WANG Xiaohui1,2, NING Luhui1
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关键词:  大学物理  课程思政  石油精神  科学精神  光学     

Ideological and political education is the organic combination of ideological and political work andeducation teaching work, aiming to effectively fulfill the fundmental task of cultivating people with integrity. College physics course is a compulsory basic course for students in science and engineering colleges, and the physical ideas, research methods, and thinking styles displayed by the course refleet the scientific spirit , whichis of great significanee for the cultivation of students’ proessional practical ability. The spirit of daring to challenge and exploring the unknown is the essence of scientific spirit and the characteristic of petroleum spirit. The spirit of constantly exploring and struggling hard for progress is also included in the petroleum spirit, whichembodies the human desire for progress and development.Petroleum is a comprehensive industry that appliesrich physics knowledge, and its development process has crystallized the petroleum spirit with the core of“Daqing Spiri’, “ron Man $piri’, “Hard Work and Practicality", and “Strict Requirements on Three Oldand Four $trict ". Integrating petroleum elements into the college physics classroom can enable students to better understand the knowledge while cultivating their sense of responsibility and patriotic sentiment. Therefore, integrating the spirit of petroleum and seientifie spirit into the classroom can cultivate students’ profession alability while shaping healthy personality and enhancing the sense of “making China strong" mission.

Key words:  college physies    ideological and political education    spirit of petroleum    seientific spirit    optics
                    发布日期:  2024-10-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642  
赫文豪, 张润青, 杨东杰, 陈君青, 刘子龙, 王晓慧, 宁鲁慧 . “石油精神—科学精神”有机融合的“大学物理”课程思政设计 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 133-138.
HE Wenhao, ZHANG Runqing , YANG Dongjie, CHEN Junging, LIU Zilong, WANG Xiaohui, NING Luhui. Design of Ideological and Political Educationby Coupling the PetroleumSpirit with the Scientific Spirit in College Physics Course . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 133-138.
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