To eultivate innovative talents who have innovation awareness and practical ability, college physiesexperimental projeets require a combination of basie experiments , comprehensive experiments, and innovative experiments. These experiments respectively improve practical abilities and thinking ability , enhance creativityand seientifie literacy , and strengthen innovation awareness and a comprehensive quality.The experiment olequal thickness interference of light is taken as an example, combined with the Lambert-Beer law,lt exploresthe relationship between the absorbanee and refractive index of funetional materials.This composite experiment transforms the results of scientilfie research projeets into undergraduate experimental teaching content.It canenhance the comprehensiveness and frontiers of university physics experiments. Moreover, it can stimulatestudents’interest in seienee and enhanee their enthusiasm for participating in seientiie research projects.Furthermore , the students' ability and quality are improved through basie physies experiments.
王 鹤 , 姜建刚, 张 锐, 张 丹, 王一平, 张 敏.
[J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 35-38.
WANG He, JANG Jiangang, ZHANG Rui, ZHANG Dan, WANG Yiping, ZHANG Min.
A Study on the Relationship between Absorbance and Refractive IndexBased on Lambert-Beer Law and Interference of Isopach
. Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 35-38.