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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 97-102
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Matplotlib 和 Matlab 在大学物理实验数据分析中的对比应用
辛政阳,刘俊杰,路 超,牛相宏*
南京邮电大学 理学院,江苏 南京 210023
Comparative Application of Matplotlib and Matlab in DataAnalysis of College Physics Experiments
XIN Zhengyang, LIU Junjie, LU Chao, NIU Xianghong*
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在物理实验领域,对实验数据的精致且严格处理构成了实验研究的基石。尤其在对数据处理的精确性和作图质量有着极高要求的复杂物理实验中,借助专业的数据处理软件以执行数据解析、图像展现以及曲线拟合等任务显得尤为关键。首先,以弗兰克赫兹实验为案例,实现了运用 Matplotlib与 Matlab 两款软件对实验数据进行直观且高效的可视化处理,发现在本实验中,Matlab 软件做出的图像更加精细且代码更简单;其次,以铁磁材料的基本磁化曲线及其磁滞回线为例,进一步揭示了这两款软件在图像拟合方面的卓越性能,发现 Matlab 的拟合能力更强,可供选择的拟合方式更多;但 Matlab 更适用于简单绘制,Matplotlib 适用于精细地控制。将 Matplotlib 与 Matlab 融入大学物理实验教学,不仅能够激发学生的创新意识,而且有助于培育其科学研究素养,更为他们未来投身科研工作奠定坚实的基础。

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关键词:  Matplotlib  Matlab  大学物理实验  数据可视化处理  数据图像拟合     

In the field of physical experimentation, the meticulous and strict processing of experimental dataforms the cornerstone of experimental research. Especially in complex physical experiments where the precisionof data proeessing and the quality of plotting are paramount, it is particularly crucial to leverage professionadata processing software to carry out tasks such as data analysis , visualization, and curve fitting. This study takesthe f'rank-lertz experiment as a case study, implementing intuitive and efficient visualization of experimentaldata using both Matplotlib and MA'TLAB was found that in this experiment, the images produced byMA'TLAB software were more detailed, and the code was simpler. Furthermore, using the basic magnetizationcurve and hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic materials as examples, the exeeptional performance of these twosoftware packages in image fiting was revealed, MA'TLAB was found to have a stronger fitting capability and agreater variety of fiting options available. Integrating Matplotlib and MATLAB into college physics experimentteaching can not only stimulate students’ innovation awareness but also foster their scientifie research literacyand lay a solid foundation for their future engagement in scientific research.

Key words:  Matplotlib    Matlab    university physics experiments    data visualization processing    data fiting capability
                    发布日期:  2024-10-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642|O 4-4  
辛政阳, 刘俊杰, 路 超, 牛相宏. Matplotlib 和 Matlab 在大学物理实验数据分析中的对比应用 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 97-102.
XIN Zhengyang, LIU Junjie, LU Chao, NIU Xianghong. Comparative Application of Matplotlib and Matlab in DataAnalysis of College Physics Experiments . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 97-102.
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