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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 49-55
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PASCO-Tracker 实验系统的搭建及其对热机效率的测量
林雪松 ,刘晟楠 ,刘 瑜 ,刘艳丽 ,赵 龙 ,白 静 ,陈跃辉 ,王忠宝 1
1.辽宁工程技术大学理学院,辽宁 阜新 123000;2.沈阳市第九十七中学,辽宁 沈阳 110034;3.阜新市铁路中学 辽宁阜新 123000
Construction of the PASCO-Tracker Experimental Systemand Its Measurement of Thermal Efficiency
LIN Xuesong1,LlU Shengnan1 ,LU Yu2,LlU Yanli3 ,ZHAO Long1,BAI Jing1,CHEN Yuehui1,WANG Zhongbao1
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为使热机 p?V 图线的测量和由图线计算热机效率的整体过程可成为大学物理实验中易于操作的一部分,笔者首先搭建了PASCO?Tracker 实验系统,然后在两种高温热源温度下,通过该系统分别实践了热机工作中 p?t、V?t 关系图线的测量,并在此基础上得到了 p?V 图线,在拟合出 p?V 关系函数后,通过原理公式的计算得到了热机效率与高温热源温度及气缸内装入的钢丝质量间的关系。 测量结果表明,压强、体积的周期均随钢丝质量的增加而减小,效率随钢丝质量的增加而增加,二者具有非线性关系。 热机效率随高温热源温度的增加而增加。 本实验系统可用于演示热机工作过程的实时监控和热机效率的测量与计算。

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刘 瑜
赵 龙
白 静
关键词:  大学物理  热机效率  PASCO  Tracker  函数拟合     

In order to make the measurement of the p-V curve and the overall process of calculating theefliciency of the heat engine from the curve an easy to operate part of university physics experiments , the autholfirst built the PASCO 'Tracker experimental system,Then , under two high temperature heat source temperaturesthe measurement of the p-t and V-t relationship curves in the operation of the heat engine was praeticed usingthis system , and based on this, the p-Y curve was obtained. After fitting the p-V relationship function , Therelationship between the efficieney of the thermal engine and the temperature of the high-temperature healsource ,as well as the mass of the steel wire loaded into the cylinder, was obtained through the caleulation of theprineiple formula.'The measurement results indicate that the period of pressure and volume both deerease withthe inerease of steel wire mass , while the ellicieney inereases with the inerease of steel wire mass.The two havea non-linear relationship.The elficieney of the thermal engine inereases with the inerease of the temperature ofthe high-temperature heat source.This experimental system can be used to demonstrate real-time monitoring olhe working process of a heat engine and to measure and calculate the eliciency of the heat engine.

Key words:  university physics    thermal effciency    PASCO    Tracker    curve fitting
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642.0  
林雪松 , 刘晟楠 , 刘 瑜 , 刘艳丽 , 赵 龙 , 白 静 , 陈跃辉 , 王忠宝 . PASCO-Tracker 实验系统的搭建及其对热机效率的测量 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 49-55.
LIN Xuesong, LlU Shengnan , LU Yu, LlU Yanl , ZHAO Long, BAI Jing, CHEN Yuehui, WANG Zhongbao. Construction of the PASCO-Tracker Experimental Systemand Its Measurement of Thermal Efficiency . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 49-55.
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