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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 106-109
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王云青,周宇菁,兰小东,董 阳,朱云霞,罗锻斌
华东理工大学 物理学院, 上海 200237
Leaching Demonstration of Rigid Body omentof Inertia Combined with Smart Phone
WANG Yunqing,ZHOU Yujing, LAN Xiaodong,DONG Yang,ZHU Yunxia,LUO Duanbin*
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在关于刚体转动的教学中通过先讲解规则刚体的转动惯量,再引导学生推导长方体刚体的转动惯量;接着提出如何测量智能手机的转动惯量的问题.引导学生课间与课后利用智能手机的陀螺仪传感器和 Phyphox 软件,对手机的转动惯量进行了测量,得到了较好的结果.上述实验演示一方面不需要复杂庞大的演示仪器,教师与学生可以直接在课堂上进行自主操作测量,也可以让学生作为课后作业进行测量推算;另一方面,这个演示实验把刚体运动的若干知识点做了很好的综合,如规则长方体转动惯量的推算、平行轴定律、刚体转动动能、能量转换与能量守恒定律等。 上述工作为智能手机融入大学物理演示教学提供了有益尝试。

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董 阳
关键词:  大学物理  演示实验  智能手机  转动惯量     

In the teaching of rigid body rotation, we first explain the moment of inertia of regular rigid bodyand then guide students to deduce the moment of inertia of cuboid rigid body. Then we propose how to measurethe moment of inertia of smart phones. We guide students to measure the moment of inertia of mobile phones byusing gyroscope sensor and phyphox software of smart phones , and get good results. 0n the one hand ,there is noneed for complex and huge demonstration instruments.Teachers and students can directly operate and measurein class. and students can also make measurement and calculation as homework alter class.0n the other handthis demonstration experiment integrates several knowledge points of rigid body motion,such as the calculationof moment of inertia of regular cuboid, the law of parallel axis and the rotation of rigid body. The above workprovides a beneficial attempt for the integration of smart phones into college physics demonstration teaching.

Key words:  college physics    demonstration experiment    smart phone    moment of inertia
               出版日期:  2024-06-25      发布日期:  2024-06-25      整期出版日期:  2024-06-25
ZTFLH:  O 311.2  
王云青, 周宇菁, 兰小东, 董 阳, 朱云霞, 罗锻斌 . 结合智能手机的刚体转动惯量教学演示 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 106-109.
WANG Yunqing, ZHOU Yujing, LAN Xiaodong, DONG Yang, ZHU Yunxia, LUO Duanbin. Leaching Demonstration of Rigid Body omentof Inertia Combined with Smart Phone . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(3): 106-109.
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