This experiment aims to design a university physies experiment course for undergraduate students,focusing on the photocatalytic degradation efficieney of formaldehyde by titanium oxides under ultraviolet lightIhe course is intended to deepen understanding of the application background, fundamental principles, andexperimental methods of photocatalytic technology. The experiment utilizes three types of titanium oxidematerials (anatase Ti0,, rutile Ti0,, and Ti0) to degrade formaldehyde under ultraviolet irradiation, with the photocatalytie degradation efficieney quantified by measuring changes in formaldehyde concentration. "'heresults indieate that anatase Ti0, exhibits the highest degradation efficieney, followed by rutile Ti0,, while Ti0shows the lowest efficiency. This experiment not only equips students with the basic principles of photocatalyticreactions and related research capabilities, but also cultivates their experimental skills and data analvsis abilities.
陈秋帆 .
[J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 34-37.
CHEN Oiufan.
Design of an Experimental Course on the PhotocatalyticDegradation Efficiency of Formaldehyde by TitaniumOxides Under Ultraviolet Light
. Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 34-37.