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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 118-121
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张 伟 ,张 雷,黄传甫,孟现文,李 艳
中国矿业大学 材料与物理学院,江苏 徐州 221116
Maximizing the Potential of University Physics DemonstrationExperiment Resources :An Explorative Study
ZHANG Wei*,ZHANG Lei,HUANG Chuanfu,MENG Xianwen,LI Yan
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物理演示实验在帮助学生理解物理理论、加深知识记忆、激发科学兴趣等方面有独特的作用。 中国绝大部分的高校都建有物理演示实验室,中国矿业大学目前已建成 3个物理演示实验大厅,有超过 120 套演示实验仪。 本文探讨了中国矿业大学在物理演示实验资源有效利用方面进行的探索,比如让物理演示实验进理论课课堂常态化;让大学生参与物理演示实验仪的开发探究;对社会大众开放物理演示实验室等。 分析了在探索物理演示实验资源有效利用时遇到的问题和困难,并给出了解决这些问题的可能方案。 这些探讨有助于最大限度地发挥演示实验在辅助理论教学、培养学生的创新能力及宣扬科学精神等方面的作用,也可以为开设或即将开设物理演示实验的高校提供参考。

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张 伟
张 雷
李 艳
关键词:  物理演示实验  课堂教学  开放  创新     

Physics demonstration experiments play a critical role in enhancing students’ understanding ofphysical theory ,reinforcing knowledge retention , and stimulating scientific curiosity.The majority of universitiesin China have established their own physics demonstration laboratories.Currently, China University of Miningand Technology(CUMT )has three physics demonstration experiment halls with over 120 differentdemonstration instruments.We explore CUMT's methods for effectively utilizing these physics demonstrationexperiment resources.For instance, we suggest normalizing physics demonstration experiments in theoreticaclassrooms ,introducing networked resources , allowing college students to participate in the development andexploration of physics demonstration experimental instruments , opening physics demonstration laboratories tothe public , and more. Furthermore, we analyze the issues and difficulties faced in the pursuit of effectiveutilization of physics demonstration experiments and provide potential solutions to such challenges.The insightsdiscussed can help maximize the value of demonstration experiments in assisting theoretical teaching, fostering students’ innovative skills and promoting scientific curiosity. lt also serves as a reference for colleges anduniversities interested in establishing their physics demonstration experiments.

Key words:  physics demonstration experiment    classroom teaching    openness    innovation
                    发布日期:  2023-12-25     
ZTFLH:  G 482  
张 伟 , 张 雷, 黄传甫, 孟现文, 李 艳. 大学物理演示实验资源有效利用探索 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 118-121.
ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Lei, HUANG Chuanfu, MENG Xianwen, LI Yan. Maximizing the Potential of University Physics DemonstrationExperiment Resources :An Explorative Study . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(6): 118-121.
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