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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 131-135
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吉林化工学院,吉林 吉林 132000
On the Teaching Reform of “Material Mechanical Properties”in theContext of Engineering Education Specialization Certification
ZHANG Zhihao
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“材料力学性能”是材料成型及控制工程专业核心基础课程,其目的在于掌握材料基本力学性能、测试方法以及分析微观机理,以便更好地运用到实践应用。 随着我国高等教育教学改革的不断推进,传统的教学模式已经无法适应时代发展需求,因此必须对其教学方法和手段加以创新。 将材料成型及控制工程专业培养方案与学生就业方向相结合,对材料力学性能理论和实验课程现有教学模式进行详细分析探讨,结合工程专业认证背景下课程教学的实际需求,对材料力学性能课程实验提出了内容优化方向,注重学生实际操作体验,提高基础知识运用和实验创新能力,以达到较好的“寓教于学”的效果。

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关键词:  工程教育  材料力学性能  专业认证  教学改革     

The mechanical properties of materials are the core foundational courses in the field of materialforming and control engineering,with the aim of mastering the basic mechanical properties of materials ,testingmethods,and analyzing micro mechanisms , in order to better apply them to practical applications. With thedevelopment of higher education teaching reform in our country ,the traditional teaching mode has been unableto meet the needs of the times , so it is necessary to innovate its teaching methods and methods. Under theconsideration of engineering professional certification standard, the teaching reform of material mechanicalperformance course is carried out in depth ,the actual needs of course teaching under engineering professionalcertification are discussed, corresponding reform standards are formulated ,and the thought of course reform withengineering professional certification as the background is put forward, which provides more effective methodsand ways for teaching reform of material mechanical performance course.

Key words:  engineering education    mechanical properties of materials    professional certification    teaching reform
                    发布日期:  2023-12-25     
ZTFLH:  N 34  
张志浩. 工程教育专业认证背景下“材料力学性能”实验教学改革探析 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 131-135.
ZHANG Zhihao. On the Teaching Reform of “Material Mechanical Properties”in theContext of Engineering Education Specialization Certification . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(6): 131-135.
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