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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(5): 128-130
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李劲松 *
安徽大学 物理与光电工程学院,安徽 合肥 230601
Research on Teaching Design of Ultrasonic Sensing Experiment
LI Jingsong*
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针对“光电信息科学与工程”专业具有的多学科交叉融合和工程实践性强的显著特性,本文详细介绍了基于单片机、超声波传感器和可视化图形编程软件LabVIEW等器件的超声测距传感系统实验教学设计研究。 教学实验设计通过将硬件和软件有效结合,教学内容集成电子信息、通信技术和软件算法一体化,实现了专业课程内容的有效衔接和专业知识的实践运用,对培养学生工程实践能力和科学创新意识具有良好的促进作业,为有效推进新工科背景下的高校人才培养模式改革提供一定的参考和借鉴作用。

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关键词:  新工科  实践教育  教学改革  实验设计     

In view of the significant characteristics of interdisciplinary integration and strong engineeringpracticality of “ photoelectric information science and Engineering".lt introduces in detail the experimentateaching design of ultrasonic ranging sensor system based on single chip microcomputer,ultrasonic sensor andvisual graphics programming software LabVIEW. The teaching experiment design realizes the effective connection of professional course contents and the practical application of professional knowledge through theeffective combination of hardware and software , the integration of teaching contents, electronic information.communication technology and software algorithms,and has a good effect on cultivating students’engineeringpractice ability and scientific innovation provides a certain reerence for eflectively promotingthe reform of talent training mode in colleges and universities under the background of new engineering.

Key words:  emerging engineering    practical education    teaching reform    experimental design
               出版日期:  2022-10-25      发布日期:  2022-10-25      整期出版日期:  2022-10-25
ZTFLH:  G 642  
李劲松 . 超声波传感实验教学设计研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(5): 128-130.
LI Jingsong. Research on Teaching Design of Ultrasonic Sensing Experiment . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(5): 128-130.
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