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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 121-126
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王立飞 1∗ ,陈建中 ,李洪云 ,刘玉波2
1.山东交通学院 理学院,山东 济南 250357;2.北京学佳澳软件科技发展有限公司,北京 1000089
Cultivated Modes of Applied Physics Explored Based onCollege Students'Science and Technology Innovative Contests
WANG Lifei1*,CHEN Jianzhong1,LI Hongyun1,LIU Yubo2
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科技进步是国家发展的重要战略支撑,而创新是推动科技进步的力量和源泉,在现代化建设全局中占据核心地位。 加快实现原始创新、突破重大科技禁锢和努力解决“卡脖子”技术难题是新时代向高校应用型人才培养提出的新要求。 为提升应用物理学专业育人水平,校企双方共同构建课程体系、编写教材和研发案例,进行教学内容和实习实训改革,探索“校企合作、工学结合”的应用型本科人才培养模式。 以大学生科技创新大赛为主要抓手构建多层次教学平台,培养具有创新精神的应用型人才。 历经十余载的探索与实践,基于科技创新竞赛的应用物理学专业人才培养已取得丰硕的成果,提升了专业核心竞争力,为建设特色鲜明的应用型大学添砖加瓦。

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关键词:  大学生科技竞赛  人才培养  校企合作  创新能力     

Advance in science and technology is an important strategic support for national development,moreover innovation is the power and source to promote scientific and technological progress , which occupies acore position in overall modernization constructions. lt is highly essential for cultivation of applied talents incolleges and universities in new era to accelerate realization of original innovation , break through confinement of major scientific technology and solve the “neck sticking" technical problems.In order to improve educationlevels of applied physics and cultivate application-oriented talents with innovative spirit,the following multiples chemes are provided to achieve this aim: ( 1) constructing multi-level teaching platform based on theuniversity students'science and technology innovation competition;(2) building curiculum systems , compilingteaching materials and cases by the cooperation of the school and enterprise; ( 3) performing the reform ofteaching content, promoting nnovation of practical training and exploring the teaching modes of “ school-enterprise cooperation and work-study combination.After more than ten-year exploration and practice , talentcultivations of applied physics specialty based on scientific and technological innovation competition have achieved fruitful academic and scientific achievements ,which enhances core competitiveness of specialty andprovides significant contributions for construction of an application-oriented university with distinctive characteristics.

Key words:  university students'science and technology competition    talent cultivation    school-enterprise cooperation    innovation ability
               出版日期:  2023-06-25      发布日期:  2023-06-25      整期出版日期:  2023-06-25
ZTFLH:  G 64  
王立飞 , 陈建中, 李洪云 , 刘玉波 . 基于大学生科技创新大赛探索应用物理学专业人才培养模式 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 121-126.
WANG Lifei, CHEN Jianzhong, LI Hongyun, LIU Yubo. Cultivated Modes of Applied Physics Explored Based onCollege Students'Science and Technology Innovative Contests . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(3): 121-126.
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