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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 57-60
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李宏韬 1*,吕亮 1 ,孙火姣 2
1.安徽大学 物理与光电工程学院,安徽 合肥 230601;2.皖西学院 电气与光电工程学院,安徽 六安 237012
Experimental Teaching Research on Sensing Measurement Based on Panda Polarization-maintaining Optical Microfiber
LI Hongtao 1* ,LÜ Liang 1 ,SUN Huojiao 2
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在传统的大学物理实验教学中,基于双光束干涉原理的干涉仪一般是基于空间光结构所搭建的。因而此类干涉仪的不仅制作成本较高,而且光路中光功率的损失较大,使得此类干涉仪在本科教学过程中较难维护。然而基于本文所报道的熊猫型保偏微光纤干涉仪具有体积小、稳定性好、较高的折射率灵敏度为 1631 nm/RIU、较高的温度灵敏度为 -0.99nm/℃和较高的测量精度等优点,更加适合在本科教学中进行开展。同时,学生通过对微光纤器件进行制作与测试实验,不仅可以提升学生的动手能力,激发学生对相关课题的学习兴趣,还能够为今后开展有关的新型光纤器件及其新传感应用的实验教学研究打下坚实的基础。

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吕 亮
关键词:  干涉仪  熊猫型保偏微光纤  传感器     

In conventional experimental teaching college physics,the interferometers operated with two-beam interference principle were constructed based on the spatial light structure.Due to the high cost and high losses in optical power of the interferometers,it is difficult to preserve them during the college teaching process.However,the panda polarization-maintaining optical microfiber interferometers have the merits of compact size,high stability and high refractive index sensitivity of 1 631 nm/RIU,high temperature sensitivity of -0.99nm/℃,and high measurement accuracy,they can be more suitable for applying in college teaching.Moreover,by fabricating the optical microfiber device and performing the measuring experiments,the operational ability of students can be improved,and the students’project learning interests can also be excited.It can also lay a solid foundation for the further experimental teaching research of novel optical fiber devices and their novel sensing applications.

Key words:  interferometers    panda polarization-maintaining optical microfiber    sensor
                    发布日期:  2023-10-25     
ZTFLH:  O 436  
李宏韬 , 吕 亮 , 孙火姣 . 基于熊猫型保偏微光纤传感测量的实验教学研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 57-60.
LI Hongtao, LÜ Liang , SUN Huojiao . Experimental Teaching Research on Sensing Measurement Based on Panda Polarization-maintaining Optical Microfiber . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(5): 57-60.
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