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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 66-71
  本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
张佳怡 1 ,高泽同 1 ,樊小维 2,王拴 3* ,韩建卫 3,钟瑞 3,过聪 3
1.哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)电子与信息工程学院,广东 深圳 518055;2.哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)土木与环境工程学院,广东 深圳 518055;3.哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)实验与创新实践教育中心,广东 深圳 518055
Innovative Research on Liquid Concentration Measurement Devices Based on Michelson Interferometer
ZHANG Jiayi 1 ,GAO Zetong 1 ,FAN Xiaowei 2 ,WANG Shuan 3* ,HAN Jianwei 3 ,ZHONG Rui 3 ,GUO Cong 3
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王 拴
钟 瑞
过 聪
关键词:  迈克尔逊干涉仪  浓度测量  液体折射率     

By measuring the precession of the spiral micrometer head,combined with the charaon the experimental principle of Michelson interferometer,a special rotating device is added to the measurement optical path,which converts the tiny rotation of the cuvette containing the transparent liquid into the precession of the spiral micrometer,and accurately controls and records the start and end positions of cteristic change of the hyperbolic diffraction pattern formed,the refractive index of the solution to be measured is calculated,and then the linear relationship curve between the refractive index and the solution concentration is established, which realizes the accurate measurement of the liquid concentration,which not only expands the application scope of the Michelson interferometer,but also innovates the experimental teaching content of the Michelson interferometer.

Key words:  Michelson interferometer    concentration measurement    refractive index of liquid
                    发布日期:  2023-10-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-36  
张佳怡 , 高泽同 , 樊小维 , 王 拴 , 韩建卫 , 钟 瑞 , 过 聪 . 迈克尔逊干涉仪测量液体浓度装置的创新研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 66-71.
ZHANG Jiayi , GAO Zetong , FAN Xiaowei , WANG Shuan , HAN Jianwei , ZHONG Rui , GUO Cong. Innovative Research on Liquid Concentration Measurement Devices Based on Michelson Interferometer . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(5): 66-71.
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