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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 36-39
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王丽君,郑亚玉,张 瑛 ,林二妹
闽南理工学院,福建 石狮 362700
Improvement and Research on Measuring Liquid Viscosity Coefficientby Falling Ball Method
WANG Lijun,ZHENG Yayu,ZHANG Ying*,LIN Ermei
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通过对传统落球法液体黏滞系数测量仪器存在的问题进行整理和分析,在 THQNZ-1型液体黏滞系数测试仪的基础上,采用高精度激光对管传感器与单片机计数控制器相连接,将采集到的数据通过串口传输数据至电脑,并利用计算机对实验数据进行科学精准处理,用高效的方法计算出液体的黏滞系数。同时,为了减少环境温度对液体黏滞系数测量值的影响,把测试仪置于恒温箱内,通过温度控制器调节恒温箱的温度,利用可实时控制实验环境温度的方法,最大限度地把控因环境温度变化对测量结果的不确定性。

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张 瑛
关键词:  液体黏滞系数  温控器  传感器  单片机     

Through classifies and analyzes the problems existing in the traditional liquid viscosity coefficientmeasuring instrument by means of the ball falling method. On the basis of the THONZ-1 liquid viscositcoefficient measuring instrument, the high-precision laser tube sensor is used to connect with themicrocontroller counting controller, and the collected data is transmitted to the computer through the seriaport,and the computer is used to scientifically and accurately process the experimental data. The viscosity coefficient of liquid is calculated with an efficient method. Meanwhile, in order to reduce the influence oiambient temperature on the measured value of liquid viscosity coefficient,the tester is placed in the thermostat.and the temperature of the thermostat is adjusted by the temperature controller.Thus , the uncertainty of themeasurement result due to the change of ambient temperature is controlled to the maximum extent by using themethod of real-time control of the experimental ambient temperature.

Key words:  liquid viscosity coefficient    thermostat    sensor    singlechip
               出版日期:  2023-06-25      发布日期:  2023-06-25      整期出版日期:  2023-06-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33/135  
王丽君, 郑亚玉, 张 瑛 , 林二妹. 液体黏滞系数测量方法的改进与研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 36-39.
WANG Lijun, ZHENG Yayu, ZHANG Ying, LIN Ermei. Improvement and Research on Measuring Liquid Viscosity Coefficientby Falling Ball Method . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(3): 36-39.
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