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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 1-4
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杨江萍,张员铭,邱佩惠,周卫东,汪 成 *
北京邮电大学 理学院,北京 100876
An Improvement of Total Reflection Method for Measuring Liquid Refractive Index
YANG Jiangping,ZHANG Yuanming,QIU Peihui,ZHOU Weidong,WANG Cheng *
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针对棱镜全反射法测量液体折射率时存在的色散现象,将原先的钠灯或汞灯光源替换为激光器,并使用摄像头观察消光现象,排除了复色光谱线对实验测量的干扰。使用改进后的装置测量了不同液体在不同光波长下的折射率。结果表明,测量值与标称值基本吻合,相对不确定度在 0.1%以内。改进后的实验方法操作方便、准确度高,有进一步的推广应用价值

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汪 成
关键词:  折射率  全反射  激光器  分光计  三棱镜     

In view of the dispersion phenomenon in the measurement of liquid refractive index by prism total reflection method,the original light source of sodium or mercury lamp was replaced by a laser,and the extinction phenomenon is observed by a camera,thus eliminating the influence of the complex spectral line on the measurement. Several liquids’refractive indexes under different wavelengths were measured with the improved device.The results show that the measured values are in accordance with the references with the relative uncertainty less than 0. 1%. The improved experimental method is easy to operate and has high accuracy,which has further application value.

Key words:  liquid refractive index    total reflection    laser    spectrometer    triple prism
                    发布日期:  2023-10-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
杨江萍, 张员铭, 邱佩惠, 周卫东, 汪 成 . 全反射法测量液体折射率的一种改进方案 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 1-4.
YANG Jiangping, ZHANG Yuanming, QIU Peihui, ZHOU Weidong, WANG Cheng . An Improvement of Total Reflection Method for Measuring Liquid Refractive Index . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(5): 1-4.
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