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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(1): 29-34
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钟远聪 1 ,邓定南 1 ,杨晓冬 2*
1.嘉应学院 物理与电子工程学院,广东 梅州 514015;2.广东石油化工学院 理学院,广东 茂名 525000
The Design of Inquiry Experiments of Frequency Doubling Green Laser Based on the LD Pumped Laser
ZHONG Yuancong 1 ,DENG Dingnan 1 ,YANG Xiaodong 2*
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为探究在谐振腔中倍频晶体位置对绿光激光器输出功率的影响,利用半导体泵浦固体激光实验仪设计了腔内和腔外倍频绿光的探究性实验。分析了绿光倍频效率与基频光束的功率密度及光斑半径之间的关系,分别测量了磷酸钛氧钾(KTP)倍频晶体位于谐振腔內部和外部不同位置时,532 nm倍频绿光的输出功率。其中在腔外倍频实验中,分别设计了腔外不加透镜时 KTP 晶体位于腔外不同位置,以及加上透镜时 KTP 晶体位于聚焦位置两种实验方案。同时,在实验中引导学生利用谐振腔理论和高斯光束传输理论等激光原理计算 1 064 nm 基频光在腔内外不同位置的光斑半径,分析了 KTP 晶体在不同位置时 532 nm 倍频光输出功率出现差别的原因,以及利用透镜聚焦提高激光功率密度以达到提高倍频效率的方法。

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关键词:  绿光激光器  倍频  输出功率  光斑半径  探究性实验     

In order to study the influence of the positions of KTiOPO 4 (KTP)crystal in the cavity for the output power of green laser,the inquiry experiments of intracavity and extra cavity frequency doubling green light with Laser Diodes(LD)pumped solid-state laser experiment instrument were designed.The relationship of the frequency doubling efficiency of green light,the power density and the spot radius of the fundamental frequency beam were analyzed. When KTP was at different positions of intracavity and extracavity,output powers of 532 nm frequency doubled green light were measured,respectively.In the experiment of extracavity frequency doubling,two experimental schemes were designed,namely,KTP was at different positions of extra cavity which whether or not have lens.By guiding students to calculate corresponding beam radius of 1 064 nm fundamental frequency light with the theory of cavity and gaussian beam,the reason for the difference of 3532 nm frequency doubling output power of KTP crystal at different positions,and the method of improving frequency doubling efficiency through improving laser power density with lens focusing were analyzed.

Key words:  green laser    frequency doubling    output power    beam radius    inquiry experiment
               出版日期:  2023-02-25      发布日期:  2023-02-25      整期出版日期:  2023-02-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
钟远聪 , 邓定南 , 杨晓冬 . 基于半导体泵浦倍频绿光激光器的探究性实验设计 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(1): 29-34.
ZHONG Yuancong , DENG Dingnan , YANG Xiaodong . The Design of Inquiry Experiments of Frequency Doubling Green Laser Based on the LD Pumped Laser . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(1): 29-34.
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