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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 72-75
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基于 CINEMA 4D 的大学物理实验仪器动画设计
林二妹,张 瑛 * ,郑亚玉,王丽君
Animation Design of University Physics Experimental Instrument Based on CINEMA 4D
LIN Ermei,ZHANG Ying * ,ZHENG Yayu,WANG Lijun
闽南理工学院,福建 石狮 362700
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为了学生能在有限的课程时间完成实验,熟悉并运用实验仪器,利用 CINEMA 4D 设计实验仪器的动画,并运用于教学。学生在学习动画的同时,可以熟悉基本的仪器结构,掌握仪器的原理,学会仪器的调整与使用。学生在任何时间、任何地点都能自主学习,物理实验教学效果得到了提高。

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张 瑛
关键词:  分光计  动画  演示  分解     

Due to the fact that the textbook is only equipped with the instrument plan,the instrument structure function introduction and adjustment description,it is difficult for students to master the principle,structure and adjustment of the instrument in the limited class time,especially for the equipment with relatively complex structure,so the use and learning of experimental instruments has become a difficulty in experimental teaching.To solve this problem,with the core function of“getting familiar with instrument structure,mastering instrument principle and learning instrument operation”,three-dimensional animation of experimental instruments is designed and developed by using CINEMA 4D and applied in teaching.Through animation,students can better learn the internal and external structure,principle and adjustment of the instrument.It makes up for students’ lack of spatial thinking effectively and improves the effect of physics experiment teaching.

Key words:  spectrometer    animation    presentation    decomposition
                    发布日期:  2023-08-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
林二妹, 张 瑛, 郑亚玉, 王丽君. 基于 CINEMA 4D 的大学物理实验仪器动画设计 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 72-75.
LIN Ermei, ZHANG Ying , ZHENG Yayu, WANG Lijun. Animation Design of University Physics Experimental Instrument Based on CINEMA 4D . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(4): 72-75.
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