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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 115-120
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王 鹏1,操龙德1,章礼华1,祁义红2
1.安庆师范大学 电子工程与智能制造学院?安徽 安庆 246133;2.华东理工大学 物理学院?上海 200237
Teaching Reform and Practice of “ Three Electrics” ExperimentalCourses in Colleges and Universities from the Perspectiveof “ Three Places and One District”
WANG Peng1,CAO Longde1 ,ZHANG Lihua1 , OI Yihong2
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安徽“三地一区”政策的出台对高校人才培养提出了新的要求,尤其对创新型工科人才的需求出现井喷态势. 然而,作为工科专业人才培养的专业基础课程“三电”实验教学滞后于社会形势发展,如教学培养目标与社会发展需求相脱节,实验资源无法满足学生实际需要,教学方法与创新型人才培养不适应等问题, 以传统与虚拟相融合、第一课堂与第二课堂相贯通、校内与校外相协同等多元的教学改革路径促进高校实验教学逐步对标“三地一区”对人才的要求,有效提升高校服务地方经济社会发展的能力.

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王 鹏
关键词:  “三电”实验  多平台融合  嵌入式教学  “三地一区”     

The introduction of the policy of “three places and one district”in Anhui Province has put forwardnew requirements for talent traning in colleges and universities, especially the demand for innovativeengineering talents. Nevertheless, as a foundamental course for cultivating engineering specialists , there are stilsome deficiencies in the experimental course of  three electrics", such as mismatching of the teaching anctraining objectives and demand of the social development, the insufficient experimental resources for theuniversity students , and the incompatibility between the teaching methods and the cultivation of the innovative talents. Multiple teaching reform paths , including combination of the traditional and virtual forms , integration ofthe first topic and the second topic , and integration of campus and off campus, promote the experimenta.teaching in colleges and universities to adapt to the requirements of " three places and one district” for talents.and effectively improve the ability of colleges and universities for serving the local economic and socialdevelopment.

Key words:  experimental course of three electrics    multi-platform integration    embedded teaching    “ threeplaces and one district
               出版日期:  2023-06-25      发布日期:  2023-06-25      整期出版日期:  2023-06-25
ZTFLH:  G 642.0  
王 鹏, 操龙德, 章礼华, 祁义红. “三地一区”视域下高校“三电”实验课程教学改革与实践 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 115-120.
WANG Peng, CAO Longde , ZHANG Lihua , OI Yihong. Teaching Reform and Practice of “ Three Electrics” ExperimentalCourses in Colleges and Universities from the Perspectiveof “ Three Places and One District” . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(3): 115-120.
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