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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 104-111
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基于 COMSOL 和 MATLAB 的近轴光学隐形的研究
王亚卓 ,刘鹏宇 2∗ ,刘鹏飞 ,孙慧倩 ,刘载远 ,张佳赢 3
1.辽宁石油化工大学 机械工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001;2.沈阳工业大学 理学院,辽宁 沈阳 11087;3.辽宁石油化工大学 信息与控制工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001
Research on Paraxial Optical Invisibility Basedon COMSOL and MATLAB
WANG Yazhuo1,LlU Pengyu2*,LIU Pengfei1 ,SUN Huiqian1 ,LlU Zaiyuan1,ZHANG Jiaying3
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基于矩阵光学原理实现透镜组近轴光出现隐形区域,探究了不同参数的透镜对光学隐形区域的影响;采取正交实验设计,分别使用 MATLAB 和 COMSOL 对隐形区域进行了数值模拟,对比得出了隐形区域的影响因素,并进行了可视化呈现。 结果表明,透镜的焦距和半径影响隐形区域,当透镜的直径不变时,若透镜的焦距为f,此时隐形区域 t1 和隐形区域 t2 的体积之和最小,当透镜的焦距小于 f时,透镜的焦距与隐形范围呈负相关;当透镜的焦距大于f时,透镜的焦距与隐形范围呈正相关;当透镜的焦距不变时,透镜的直径与隐形范围呈正相关。 各个透镜参数对隐形区域的体积的影响因素排序为:焦距 f2 >直径 h1>直径 h2 >焦距 f1 。 研究结果对于深入理解光学隐形区域的形成及其受透镜参数调节的影响具有重要的意义。

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关键词:  近轴光学  几何光学  隐形透镜  MATLAB 数值模拟  COMSOL 仿真     

Based on matrix optics , the principles behind the formation of the hidden region in the near-axislight of a lens system were investigated.The inluenee of different lens parameters on the optical hidden regionwas explored. Through orthogonal experimental design , numerical simulations using MATLAB and COMSOLwere conducted to compare and visualize the factors affecting the hidden region.The research revealed that thefoeal length and radius of the lens have an impaet on the hidden region. When the diameter of the lens remainsconstant,the sum of the volumes of hidden regions t, and t, is minimized when the lens has a focal length of fAs the foeal length of the lens deereases below f,it is found that the focal length and the extent of the hiddenregion are negatively correlated. Conversely, when the focal length exceeds f, there is a positive correlationbetween the focal length and the extent of the hidden region. When the focal length ofthe lens remainsconstant ,there is a positive correlation between the diameter of the lens and the extent of the hidden region.Theorder of influence of various lens parameters on the volume of the hidden region is as follows: focal length f'>diameter h, > diameter h,> focal length f.These research findings are of great significanee in gaining

Key words:  near axis oplics    geometric optics    invisible lens    MATLAB numerical simulation    COMSOL simulation
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-39  
王亚卓 , 刘鹏宇 , 刘鹏飞 , 孙慧倩 , 刘载远 , 张佳赢 . 基于 COMSOL 和 MATLAB 的近轴光学隐形的研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 104-111.
WANG Yazhuo, LlU Pengyu, LIU Pengfei , SUN Huiqian , LlU Zaiyuan, ZHANG Jiaying. Research on Paraxial Optical Invisibility Basedon COMSOL and MATLAB . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 104-111.
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