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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 118-124
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MATLAB 仿真技术在光偏振实验数据分析中的应用
曹 琰,李 爽,麻喜琳
洛阳师范学院 物理与电子信息学院,河南 洛阳 471022
Application of MATLAB Simulation Technology in OpticalPolarization Experiment Data Analysis
CAO Yan,LI Shuang, MA Xilin
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主要探讨了 MATLAB 仿真技术在光偏振实验数据分析中的应用。详细阐述了光偏振实验的基本原理,包括马吕斯定律、四分之一波片和半波片的相关知识。深入分析了 MATLAB 在光偏振实验数据分析中的具体应用,如对马吕斯定律实验现象的分析,四分之一波片角度误差和相位延迟的研究,以及半波片实验现象的分析。最后得出结论,强调了 MATLAB 仿真技术在提高光偏振实验数据分析准确性和效率方面的重要作用。

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曹 琰
李 爽
关键词:  MATLAB 仿真  偏振特性  实验分析     

lt primarily investigates the application of MATLAB simulation technology in the analysis of datafrom optical polarization experiments. lt provides a detailed exposition of the fundamental principles of optical polarization experiments, encompassing Malus’s Law and the pertinent knowledge regarding quarter-wave andhalf-wave plates. It delves deeply into the specifie applications of MATLAB in the analysis of opticalpolarization experiment data, such as the analysis of experimental phenomena associated with Malus’s Law, the study of angular errors and phase delay in quarter-wave plate experiments, and the analysis of phenomen observed in half-wave plate experiments, Ultimately, the conclusion underscores the pivotal role of MA'TLABsimulation technology in enhancing the aecuracy and eficieney of data analysis in optical polarization experiments.

Key words:  MATLAB simulation    polarization properties    experimental analysis
                    发布日期:  2024-10-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642.423  
曹 琰, 李 爽, 麻喜琳. MATLAB 仿真技术在光偏振实验数据分析中的应用 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 118-124.
CAO Yan, LI Shuang, MA Xilin. Application of MATLAB Simulation Technology in OpticalPolarization Experiment Data Analysis . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 118-124.
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