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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 121-124
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任先培,凌 芳,胡启威
四川轻化工大学 物理与电子工程学院,四川 自贡 643000
How to Combine Theoretical Knowledge with ProductionPractice and Scientific Research-Taking the Application of Crystal Silicon Solar Cells in Teaching“ Semiconductor Physics” as an Example
REN Xianpei*,LlNG Fang,HU Qiwei
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大多《半导体物理学》教材对于基础理论在生产实践与科研前沿中的应用缺乏介绍,教师如果严格按照教材内容授课,则不利于培养学生分析和解决实际问题的能力。 鉴于此,本文以晶体硅太阳电池为例,阐述如何在《半导体物理学》教学过程中穿插介绍基础理论在生产实践与科研前沿中的应用,以期激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习的热情与主动性,从而提高课程教学效果。

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凌 芳
关键词:  半导体物理学  课程教学  生产实践  科研前沿     

Most textbooks on Semiconductor Physies laek an introduction to the application of basie theories inproduction practice and research frontiers, lf teachers strictly follow the content of the textbook, it is notconducive to cultivating students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems.In view of this ,it takes erystalsilicon solar cells as an example to explain how to intersperse the application of basie theories in productionpraetice and research frontiers in the teaching process of “Semiconductor Physics" , in order to stimulate students’interest in learning, improve their enthusiasm and initiative, and thus improve the teachingeffectiveness of the corse.

Key words:  semiconduetor physies    course teaching    production practice    frontiers of scientilie research
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642  
任先培 , 凌 芳, 胡启威. 如何将理论知识与生产实践及科研前沿相结合———以晶体硅太阳电池在《半导体物理学》教学中的应用为例 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 121-124.
REN Xianpei, LlNG Fang, HU Qiwei. How to Combine Theoretical Knowledge with ProductionPractice and Scientific Research-Taking the Application of Crystal Silicon Solar Cells in Teaching“ Semiconductor Physics” as an Example . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 121-124.
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