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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(1): 17-21
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《新能源材料制备实验》线上线下混合教学模式的探索与研究———以自组装构筑柔性自支撑 MoS2/CNTs 复合薄膜及其电化学性能研究为例
李佳慧 1 ,孙祝玺 1 ,时秋伟 2* ,谢燕楠 1*
1.南京邮电大学 材料科学与工程学院 有机电子显示国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210023;2.南京信息工程大学 化学与材料学院,江苏 南京 210044
Exploration and Research on the Blended Online and Offline Teaching Mode for 'New Energy Materials Preparation Experiment' ———Self-assembled Flexible Self-supporting MoS 2 /CNTs Composite Films and Its Electrochmical Performance Research as an Example
LI Jiahui 1 ,SUN Zhuxi 1 ,SHI Qiuwei 2* ,XIE Yannan 1*
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经过新冠疫情时期,线上教学已经成为教育领域的重要组成部分。随着后疫情时代的到来,教育与科技信息技术的融合变得更加紧密,线上教学已经成为不可或缺的一环。线上教育和传统线下教学各自具有独特优势,而将它们融合为一体的混合教学模式,将为教育带来新的发展机遇。因此,文章以《新能源材料制备实验》为例,探索和研究实验操作类课程的线上线下混合教学模式。针对当前学生对认知不够和积极性不高等问题,以自组装构筑柔性自支撑 MoS2 /CNTs 复合薄膜为例,通过充分利用线上线下混合教学的优势,提高实验操作类课程的教育质量和可及性,为学生提供更丰富的学习体验,为后续《新能源材料制备实验》的教学改革提供新的思路和视野。

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关键词:  后疫情时代  新能源材料制备实验  混合教学模式  教学探究     

After the COVID-19 pandemic,online teaching has become an integral part of the education sector.With the advent of the post-pandemic era,the integration of education and information technology has become even closer,making online teaching an indispensable component.Both online education and traditional offline teaching have unique advantages,and the integration of these two modes into a blended teaching approach presents new opportunities for education.Therefore,it takes“New Energy Materials Preparation Experiment”as an example to explore and research the blended online and offline teaching mode for experimental courses.Addressing issues such as students’insufficient understanding and low motivation,this study uses the self-assembly of flexible self-supporting MoS 2 /CNTs composite films as an illustrative example.By fully leveraging the advantages of blended online and offline teaching,it aims to enhance the educational quality and accessibility of experimental courses,providing students with a more enriching learning experience. This research also offers novel perspectives and insights for the future educational reforms in“New Energy Materials Preparation Experiment”.

Key words:  post-epidemic era    new energy materials preparation experiment    blended teaching model    teaching inquiry
               出版日期:  2024-02-25      发布日期:  2024-02-25      整期出版日期:  2024-02-25
ZTFLH:  G 642  
李佳慧 , 孙祝玺 , 时秋伟 , 谢燕楠 . 《新能源材料制备实验》线上线下混合教学模式的探索与研究———以自组装构筑柔性自支撑 MoS2/CNTs 复合薄膜及其电化学性能研究为例 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(1): 17-21.
LI Jiahui , SUN Zhuxi , SHI Qiuwei , XIE Yannan . Exploration and Research on the Blended Online and Offline Teaching Mode for 'New Energy Materials Preparation Experiment' ———Self-assembled Flexible Self-supporting MoS 2 /CNTs Composite Films and Its Electrochmical Performance Research as an Example . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(1): 17-21.
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