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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 125-132
  本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
文 进 *,王倩,刚婷婷,樊 伟,刘颖刚
西安石油大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710065
Reform and Practice of the Principle and System of Optical FiberCommunication Based on Research Feeding Teaching
WEN Jin*,WANG Qian,GANG Tingting,FAN Wei, LIU Yinggang
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光纤通信原理与系统作为光电信息科学与工程专业的重要课程,其开设旨在使学生充分了解光纤通信的基础知识,培养学生对光纤通信的基本技能素养和新科技、新方法的运用技能,近年来光纤通信技术的飞速发展也导致了光纤通信系统的容量和速度的巨大提升。光纤通信科研与教学之间的协同已经成为培养学生科研创新思维能力与实践能力的重要抓手,本文阐述了将科研融入教学的若干尝试,包括引入光纤通信系统仿真软件 Optisystem;构建光纤通信系统光发射端、光纤传输线路和光接收端的详细可视化结构;通过 Optisystem 仿真软件分析光纤通信系统信号眼图和误码率动态特性。通过科研反哺教学的方式,将光纤通信科研实践成果引入教学中,一方面可以使光纤通信原理与系统课程


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文 进
王 倩
樊 伟
关键词:  光纤通信  科研反哺教学  Optisystem  可视化     

The principle and system of optical fiber communication is an important course for the major olOpto -lectronics information science and engineering.The purpose of this course is to enable students to fully understand the basie knowledge of optical fiber communication , and to cultivate students’ basic skills of opticafiber communication and the application skills of new technologies and new methods.In recent years, the rapiddevelopment of optical fiber communication technology has also led to a huge increase in the capacity and speed of optical fiber communication systems. Meanwhile, the synergy between oplical fiber communication teaching and scientilic research has become an important starting point for cultivating students’ innovativescientifie research thinking ability and practical ability. This research describes some attempts of integrating thescientilic research progress into the teaching, including the introduction of optical fiber communication systemsimulation software Optisystem to construct the detailed visual structure of optical transmitter, optical fibertrans mission line and optical receiver of optical fiber communication system. Furthermore, the dynamic characteristies of signal eye diagram and bit error rate of optical fiber communication system are analyzed.Through the way of scientific research backeeding teaching,the practical results of optical fiber communication research are introduced into teaching. 0n the one hand, the basic concepts and workflow in thecourse of optical fiber communication principle and system can be more intuitive.0n the other hand, it can cultivate students’ scientifie research innovative thinking and practical ability. The teaching reform and practicehave certain signilicance for cultivating academic talents of Opto-lectronics information science and engineering with innovative spirit and innovative consciousness.

Key words:  optical fiber communication    research feeding teaching    optisystem    visualization
                    发布日期:  2024-10-25     
ZTFLH:  G 420  
文 进 , 王 倩, 刚婷婷, 樊 伟, 刘颖刚. 科研反哺教学的光纤通信原理与系统教学改革与实践 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 125-132.
WEN Jin, WANG Qian, GANG Tingting, FAN Wei, LIU Yinggang. Reform and Practice of the Principle and System of Optical FiberCommunication Based on Research Feeding Teaching . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 125-132.
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