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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(6): 55-58
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胡 静,周甜甜,李心悦,李子豪,毛紫怡,何晚晴,陈沁霞,张 慧,杨金虎 *
杭州师范大学 物理学院,浙江 杭州 311121
Explore the Visualization of Sound by Improved Chladni Plate Experiment
HU Jing,ZHOU Tiantian,LI Xingyue,LI Zihao,MAO Ziyi,HE Wanqing, CHEN Qinxia,ZHANG Hui,YANG Jinhu *
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本实验改进了传统的克拉尼板实验。改进后的装置增加手机蓝牙连接,以智能手机中的phyphox 软件和钢琴软件作为声源,替换了实验室中的声源装置,增加了问题的探究范围。从铝板的厚度、大小、形状等多方面探究影响克拉尼图案形成的因素。改进后的克拉尼板实验增加了实验中的互动性,激发了学生探索欲望,增加了学生对一维驻波和二维驻波形成与传播的认识。

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关键词:  克拉尼板  教具改进  声音可视化     

This experiment improves the traditional Chladni plate experiment.The improved device adds mobile phone bluetooth connection and uses phyphox software and piano software in smart phones as sound sources, replacing the sound source device in the laboratory and increasing the scope of inquiry.From the thickness, size,shape and other aspects of the aluminum plate to explore the factors affecting the formation of krani pattern.The improved Chladni plate experiment increases the interaction in the experiment,stimulates the students’desire to explore,and increases the students’understanding of the formation and propagation of one- dimensional and two-dimensional standing waves.

Key words:  Chladni plate    teaching aid improvement    sound visualization
               出版日期:  2022-12-25      发布日期:  2022-12-25      整期出版日期:  2022-12-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
胡 静, 周甜甜, 李心悦, 李子豪, 毛紫怡, 何晚晴, 陈沁霞, 张 慧, 杨金虎 . 探究声音可视化的克拉尼板的改进 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(6): 55-58.
HU Jing, ZHOU Tiantian, LI Xingyue, LI Zihao, MAO Ziyi, HE Wanqing, . Explore the Visualization of Sound by Improved Chladni Plate Experiment . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(6): 55-58.
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