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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 116-120
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单 锋 ,刘莉莉,刘 嘉,唐春娟,胡秋波,郭向阳
洛阳理工学院 数学与物理教学部,河南 洛阳 471023
Discussion on the Cases of Ideological and Political Teachingin College Physics Experiment Teaching-Take Hall Effeet Experiment as an Example
SHAN Feng* ,LIU Lili ,LIU Jia,TANG Chunjuan ,HU Qiubo,GUO Xiangyang
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选取国内大多数高校都会开设的“霍尔效应实验”课程为例,将高校中“教书”和“育人”的两个人才培养准则相融合作为指导思想。 探讨在日常的大学物理实验教学过程中融入课程思政,与其他课程的思政课产生“共振协同效应”。 通过在大学物理实验教学过程中有效的融入课程思政,不仅可以培养学生严谨的科学态度和动手解决实际问题的能力,还能够培养学生为科学奉献的精神和爱国主义精神,最终实现为社会培养具有创新型专业物理知识应用能力本科人才的目标。

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单 锋
刘 嘉
关键词:  课程思政  物理实验  霍尔效应  科学态度  爱国主义     

We selects the Hall effeet experiment course which is olfered by most colleges and universities inChina as an example,The combination of the two talent training eriteria of “teaching” and “educating people”in colleges and universities is taken as the guiding discusses the integration of curriculum thoughtand politics into the daily college physies experiment teaching,in order to produce "resonanee synergisticelfeet" with the ideological and political courses of other courses,'Through the effective integration of curriculumthinking and polities in the process of college physies experiment teaching,we can not only cultivate students'rigorous seientific attitude and the ability to solve practieal problems, but alo cultivate students' spirit ofdedication to seienee and patriotism. Finally achieve the goal of training undergraduate talents with innovativeprofessional physies knowledge application ability for the society.

Key words:  curriculum thought and politics    physics experiment    Hall effect    scientifie literacy    patriotism
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642.0  
单 锋 , 刘莉莉, 刘 嘉, 唐春娟, 胡秋波, 郭向阳. 探讨大学物理实验教学中的课程思政教学案例———以霍尔效应实验为例 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 116-120.
SHAN Feng , LIU Lili , LIU Jia, TANG Chunjuan , HU Qiubo, GUO Xiangyang. Discussion on the Cases of Ideological and Political Teachingin College Physics Experiment Teaching-Take Hall Effeet Experiment as an Example . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 116-120.
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