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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 125-130
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张新琴,张艳艳,周 茵,胡丽萍,夏秀文
井冈山大学 数理学院,江西 吉安 343009
Research on lndependent Hierarchical TeachingCollege Physical Experiment of Hall Effect
ZHANG Xinqin ,ZHANG Yanyan ,ZHOU Yin,HU Liping,XlA Xiuwen*
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为了解决 2023 版《理工科类大学物理实验课程教学基本要求》中分层次教学要求与现有仪器设备不完全匹配问题,我们结合本校实际探索了一条低投入高效能的自主化分层次实验教学途径。本文以霍尔效应实验自主化分层次教学实践为例,探究了如何在现有 B 层次的实验仪器上,细挖深究结合动手改造,开展 C 层次研究性实验和 D 层次设计性实验。 在霍尔效应副效应研究性实验中,我们评估了所有效应的阶数,并定量测量了副效应引起的附加电势差;在角度传感器设计性实验中,我们完成了基于霍尔效应的角度传感器设计,并发展了一套两参量最小二乘法误差处理方法。 自主化分层次实验教学有助于因地制宜地开展实验教学改革,提升实验教学质量。

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周 茵
关键词:  分层次教学  霍尔效应实验  阶数评估  角度传感器     

In order to overeome the mismatching dilemma between the hierarchieal teaching requirement in thelatest edition of the Basic Requirements for the 'Teaching of College Physics Experiment Courses in Science andEngineering Majors and current short suppling of teaching instruments, we explored a low-input and highefficieney autonomous hierarehical experimental teaching approach,Taking the autonomous and hierarchicaleaching pracice of Hall elect experiment as an example, it explores how to carry out C-level research experiment and D-level design experiment on the existing B-level experimental instruments.In the Hall elfeelresearch experiment , we evaluate the orders of all the effects and measure the additional potential caused by theside elfects.In the design experiment of Angle sensor, we have completed the experimental design of Anglesensor based on Hall elfect, and developed a set of two-parameter least square error processing method. Independent hierarchical experimental teaching is helplul to carry out experimental teaching reform accordingto its local conditions and improve the quality of experimental teaching.

Key words:  teaching at different levels    Hall elfect experiment    order estimation    angle sensor
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  O 441.5  
张新琴, 张艳艳, 周 茵, 胡丽萍, 夏秀文 . 霍尔效应实验自主分层次教学探究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 125-130.
ZHANG Xinqin , ZHANG Yanyan , ZHOU Yin, HU Liping, XlA Xiuwen. Research on lndependent Hierarchical TeachingCollege Physical Experiment of Hall Effect . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 125-130.
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