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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 94-96
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Origin 作图法研究灵敏电流计的特性
王兴福 * ,毛巍威,葛智勇
南京邮电大学 理学院,江苏 南京 210023
The Research of the Characteristics of Sensitive Galvanometer by Origin Mapping Method
WANG Xingfu * ,MAO Weiwei,GE Zhiyong
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灵敏电流计允许通过的电流很小,实验中采用二级分压的方法,使其两端的电压很小。测量时采用变偏法,保持总电压 U 和分压电阻R 2 不变,改变外电路电阻R,测得对应的偏转格数 d。处理数据时,用 Origin 软件拟合R~1/d 曲线,即可得出直线的斜率和截距,从而求出电流常数 k 和灵敏电流计的内阻Rg。相对于手工作图,Origin 拟合数据更为快速,值得推广到大学物理实验课程的其他实验中去。

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关键词:  Origin 作图  灵敏电流计  变偏法  内阻     

The sensitive galvanometer allows very little current to pass through,so in the process of experiment,the two-stage voltage division method is used to make the voltage at both ends of it very little.During the measurement,the variable deflection method is used,where we keep the total voltage U and the division voltage resistance R 2 unchanged,change the external circuit resistance R,and measure the corresponding deflection lattice number d.When processing the data,Origin software is used to fit the R~1/d curve,from which the slope and intercept of the straight line can be obtained,thus the current constant k and the internal resistance R g of the sensitive galvanometer can be obtained.Compared with manual drawing,the Origin mapping method is much faster to fit data,and it is worth to be extended to other experiments in the college physics experiment course.

Key words:  Origin mapping    sensitive galvanometer    variable deflection method    internal resistance
                    发布日期:  2023-08-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
王兴福 , 毛巍威, 葛智勇. Origin 作图法研究灵敏电流计的特性 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 94-96.
WANG Xingfu, MAO Weiwei, GE Zhiyong. The Research of the Characteristics of Sensitive Galvanometer by Origin Mapping Method . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(4): 94-96.
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