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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(2): 125-128
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华东理工大学 物理学院, 上海 200237
Exploration of Multi-dimensional Practical Education Based on Physics Experiment Teaching Center Platform
LUO Duanbin*
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实践教学是理工科院校中不可或缺的育人内容。 大学物理实验作为重要基础实验课程,内容涉及丰富的力、热、光、电、磁等方面的物理现象以及相关物理量的测量,“天然地”满足学生“在更广泛的专业交叉和融合中学习”的需要。 近年来,立足物理实验教学中心这一平台,从结合数字信息系统(DIS)的实践教学内容与模式重构、科创结合、以赛促学、产学研融入等方面对物理实验在实践育人方面进行了改革探索,取得一定教学成果并积累了一些经验。

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关键词:  数字信息系统(DIS)  科创结合  以赛促学  产学融合

Practical teaching is an indispensable educational content in science and engineering colleges.As an important basic experimental course, college physics experiment involves rich physical phenomena in mechanics, thermology,optics,electricity and magnetism and the measurement of relevant physical quantities. which“naturally”meets the needs of students to “learn in a wider range of professional intersection and integration”.In recent years,based on the platform of physics experiment teaching center,we have carried out reform and exploration on physics experiment in practical education from the aspects of practical teaching content and mode reconstruction, combination of science and innovation, promoting learning through competition,integration of industry, university and research, and achieved some teaching results and accumulated some experience.

Key words:  digital information system (DIS)    combination of science and innovation    promoting learning through competition    industry university integration
               出版日期:  2022-04-25      发布日期:  2022-04-25      整期出版日期:  2022-04-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-3  
  N 41  
罗锻斌. 基于物理实验教学中心平台的多维度实践育人探索 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(2): 125-128.
LUO Duanbin. Exploration of Multi-dimensional Practical Education Based on Physics Experiment Teaching Center Platform . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(2): 125-128.
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