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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(2): 97-101
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程钰渲,赵吕凝,陈 诺,涂洪智,汪子涵,黄运米*,罗海军
温州大学 数理学院,浙江 温州 325035
Design of Laboratory Safety Intelligent Management System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
CHENG Yuxuan , ZHAO Lining , CHEN Nuo , TU HongzhiWANG Zihan , HUANG Yunmi  *, LUO Haiiun
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基于霍尔效应、力矩作用等物理原理,利用舵机、红外传感器、霍尔传感器、步进电机、丝杆螺母、雨水感应模块、火焰感应模块、蜂鸣器等器材,采用单片机控制、蓝牙远程操控,设计的一套实验室安全智能管理系统。 本装置包括自动关门、自动关窗、远程关灯、火焰检测四大系统,可实现无人自动关门、检测门窗是否关闭、远程控制关门、雨水检测、自动关窗、远程关灯、火焰报警等功能。 本装置操作简单,高度自动化,系统稳定,范围适用广。 通过测试,本装置可在各类实验室中普遍适用,对环境适应较好,值得推广。

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关键词:  自动化  人体感应  远程控制  雨水检测  实验室安全智能系统     

Based on the physical principles of Hall effect and torque action, this proiect designs a set of laboratory safety intelligent management system by using steering gear,infrared sensor,Hall sensor,stepping motor,screw nut, rain sensing module,flame sensing module,buzzer and other equipment, single chip microcomputer control and bluetooth remote control.The device includes four systems;automatic door closing, automatic window closing remote lamp closing and flame detection. which can realize the functions of unmanned automatic door closing. detecting whether the doors and windows are closed.remote control dool closing rain detection. automatic window closing remote lamp closing flame alarm. etc The device has the advantages of simple operation, high automation ,stable system and wide application range.Through the test. the device can be widely used in various laboratories, has good adaptability to the environment, and is worth popularizing.

Key words:  automation    human sensing    remote control    rainwater detection    laboratory safety intelligent system
               出版日期:  2022-04-25      发布日期:  2022-04-25      整期出版日期:  2022-04-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
程钰渲, 赵吕凝, 陈 诺, 涂洪智, 汪子涵, 黄运米, 罗海军. 基于单片机的实验室安全智能管理系统设计 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(2): 97-101.
CHENG Yuxuan , ZHAO Lining , CHEN Nuo , TU HongzhiWANG Zihan , HUANG Yunmi , LUO Haiiun. Design of Laboratory Safety Intelligent Management System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(2): 97-101.
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