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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(2): 73-78
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杭州师范大学 物理学院,江苏 杭州 311121
Experimental Study on Dynamics of Spring Pendulum Based on Image Recognition Technology
DONG Yuxuan , YU Jiahui , YE Xiaoyang , ZHENG Xiaoqiu , Ll Bingwei

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基于图像识别技术在实验上研究了两种不同控制参数下弹簧摆的非线性动力学行为。 利用功率谱和最大李雅普诺夫指数对动力学行为进行分析和定量的刻画。 研究表明,在实验参数下,弹簧摆的横向呈现周期振动,而径向运动显示准周期甚至是弱混沌运动。 为数字化大学物理实验提供了一个范例。

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关键词:  弹簧摆  图像识别  动力学  实验     

Based on the image recognition technique, the nonlinear dynamic behavior of spring pendulum under two different control parameters is studied experimentaly.Power spectrum and maximum Lyapunov index are used to analyze and characterize the dynamic behavior quantitatively.The results show that under the experimental parameters,the transverse motion exhibits periodic vibration, while the radial motion exhibits quasi-periodic or even weak chaotic motion.It provides a good example for digital experiment of college physics.

Key words:  spring pendulum    image recognition    dynamics    experiment
               出版日期:  2022-04-25      发布日期:  2022-04-25      整期出版日期:  2022-04-25
ZTFLH:  O 415.6  
董雨萱, 余家辉, 叶晓阳, 郑晓秋, 李炳伟. 基于图像识别技术的弹簧摆动力学实验研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(2): 73-78.
DONG Yuxuan , YU Jiahui , YE Xiaoyang , ZHENG Xiaoqiu , Ll Bingwei. Experimental Study on Dynamics of Spring Pendulum Based on Image Recognition Technology . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(2): 73-78.
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