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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 100-103
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马鸣远,张树峰,李 萍
济南大学 物理科学与技术学院,山东 济南 250022
Geometrical Optics Measurement of Liquid ConcentrationBased on Digital Image Processing
MA Mingyuan ,ZHANG Shufeng,LI Ping
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根据全反射原理,搭建了一套测量液体浓度的实验装置。 该实验装置借助数字图像处理技术对通过摄像头采集的全反射临界角进行处理,精确测量临界角,从而得到透明液体的折射率,根据拟合的液体浓度和折射率的单调函数关系,求其浓度。 该实验原理简单,实验结果精确度高,在大学物理学习中培养了学生创新能力。

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李 萍
关键词:  全反射  液体浓度  数字图像处理方法     

lt constructs an experimental device for measuring Liquid concentration based on total rellectionprineiple. With the help of self-developed digital image processing technology,the angle is measured collectedby the high-definition camera, the refractive index of transparent liquid is obtained, The concentration iscalculated according to the Monotonie funetion relationship between the fiting liquid coneentration and itsrefractive index. The experimental prineiple is simple, the experimental deviee is easy to operate, and the aecuracy is high.The innovation ability of students has been cultivated in college physics study.

Key words:  total refleetion    liquid coneentration    digital image processing methods
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  O 435.1  
马鸣远, 张树峰, 李 萍 . 基于数字图像处理的几何光学法测量液体浓度 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 100-103.
MA Mingyuan , ZHANG Shufeng, LI Ping. Geometrical Optics Measurement of Liquid ConcentrationBased on Digital Image Processing . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 100-103.
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