The main objective of this paper is to investigate the oseillation behavior of a screw on an inclinedplane. Firstly, theoretical analysis is conducted considering energy angle, moment of inertia, and swingconditions.Then,the key factors alfecting the screw’s oscillation on the inclined plane are selected as bevelinclination , screw inclination, friction coelficient of the bevel surface, serew mass, and serew length. Througlaboratory experiments and utilizing methods such as SolidWorks simulation, Tracker track tracking, Matlablitting, etc, we studied the impact of these factors on the screw’s oscillation,The results demonstrate that whenother variables are held constant, there is a positive correlation between the incline angle and the amplitude ofswing for the serew.Additionally, as either the incline angle or friction coefcient increases or when there is anincrease in either serew mass or length; it leads to a decrease in swing amplitude for the screw. The experimental findings validate our theoretical analysis.