Experimental Design of Underwater Laser lmaging for New Engineering
MA Yiming, ZHANG Xiaojun, LIU Xiaoyu, WANG Jiahuan, DONG Qianhui, LI Song
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 1-6.
To meet the needs of training leading talents of science and technology for the future development olthe ocean, an underwater laser imaging experiment was designed and applied to the university physicsexperiment course. The experiment combines optical, mechancal, electrical, algorithm, control, ete. Theunderwater laser imaging system is built by using laser, industrial camera, displacement device, etc. Theexperimental processing software is written by C++, and the 3d morphology measurement of underwater target isrealized through the extraction method of laser fringe center,The application of the system to experimental teaching is helpful for students to master the relevant knowledge of underwater laser imaging technology, and improve students’ innovation consciousness and engineering application ability.
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Experimental Investigation of Oscillating Screw Amplitude
SONG Siying, WEI Rongsheng, ZHANG Zibo, ZHOU Yun
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 7-12.
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the oseillation behavior of a screw on an inclinedplane. Firstly, theoretical analysis is conducted considering energy angle, moment of inertia, and swingconditions.Then,the key factors alfecting the screw’s oscillation on the inclined plane are selected as bevelinclination , screw inclination, friction coelficient of the bevel surface, serew mass, and serew length. Througlaboratory experiments and utilizing methods such as SolidWorks simulation, Tracker track tracking, Matlablitting, etc, we studied the impact of these factors on the screw’s oscillation,The results demonstrate that whenother variables are held constant, there is a positive correlation between the incline angle and the amplitude ofswing for the serew.Additionally, as either the incline angle or friction coefcient increases or when there is anincrease in either serew mass or length; it leads to a decrease in swing amplitude for the screw. The experimental findings validate our theoretical analysis.
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Measurement of Refractive Index of Solution with Temperature-Change Based on Improved Michelson Interferometer
ZHANG Xiaodong, LIU Haochuang, LIU Haisheng, ZHAO Saiyuan, ZHU Xue, ZHANG Zhifeng
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 23-26.
Adding modules such as MCU, camera, the gear motor and stepper motor to the traditional Michelsoninterferometer to improve it, the improved Michelson interferometer is used to measure the refractive index ofethanol solution at different temperatures. Based on Open CV image recognition technology, the number offringes is identified and the relationship is obtained by the least squares fitting.Experimental results show thatthe improved device is easy to use and accurate in measurement. After data fitting, the relationship between thetemperature and refractive index of ethanol solution is obtained , providing referenee data for seienee, industryand other fields.
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A Comprehensive Experimental Design for the Synthesis and PhotovoltaicPerformance Characterization of Multi-quantumWell Perovskite Semiconductors
WU Guangba, XIA Junmin, CHEN Runfeng
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 27-33.
With the continuous growth in global energy demand and the inereasing awareness of environmentalprotection, the development and utilization of renewable energy have become imperative.In this context,perovskite solar cells have garmered extensive research interest due to their high efficiency and low cost. lfintroduces a research-oriented physical experiment focused on the synthesis and photovoltaic performance characterization of multi-quantum well perovskites. The experiment aims to synthesize multi-quantum wellperovskite materials and evaluate their performance in photovoltaic applications, thereby fostering undergraduates' interest in scientifie research and practical skills.The experiment involves the following keycomponents : synthesis of multi-quantum well perovskite materials by incorporating organic cations of differentsizes using an intercalation strategy to regulate the material's structure and phase distribution ; characterizationof the structure, crystallinity, and optical/electrical properties of the materials using X-ay diflraction, andabsorption-emission spectroscopy techniques; fabrication of perovskite solar cells and evaluation of their photovoltaic conversion efficiency through current-voltage curves,This experiment aims to provide students witha comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts in material physics, device physics, and photovoltaie technology.lt seeks to inspire their research interest in the field of renewable energy and providepractical experience and technical foundations for their future scientific endeavors or careers.The experimental design balances comprehensive teaching and cuttingedge research, potentially contributing positively toeducational reform in physics and related disciplines.
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Design of an Experimental Course on the PhotocatalyticDegradation Efficiency of Formaldehyde by TitaniumOxides Under Ultraviolet Light
CHEN Oiufan
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 34-37.
This experiment aims to design a university physies experiment course for undergraduate students,focusing on the photocatalytic degradation efficieney of formaldehyde by titanium oxides under ultraviolet lightIhe course is intended to deepen understanding of the application background, fundamental principles, andexperimental methods of photocatalytic technology. The experiment utilizes three types of titanium oxidematerials (anatase Ti0,, rutile Ti0,, and Ti0) to degrade formaldehyde under ultraviolet irradiation, with the photocatalytie degradation efficieney quantified by measuring changes in formaldehyde concentration. "'heresults indieate that anatase Ti0, exhibits the highest degradation efficieney, followed by rutile Ti0,, while Ti0shows the lowest efficiency. This experiment not only equips students with the basic principles of photocatalyticreactions and related research capabilities, but also cultivates their experimental skills and data analvsis abilities.
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Preparation of Temperature-Sensitive Viscous HydrogelElectrodes and ECG Monitoring Experiment
REN Chuantian , ZHAO Ran , LU Haonan , WANG Cheng, LEI Ming , HUANG Kai
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 38-43.
lnteligent response hydrogels have significant application prospeets due to their ability to sense andrespond to environmental changes. However, many smart hydrogels are limited by weak mechanical propertiesand poor electrical conductivity.In this experiment, a temperature-responsive AgP ( NIPAM-C0-AAm) -NaCnydrogel was synthesized using N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and acrylamide ( AAm) as monomers, with nano-silver sheets as conductive fillers.'This hydrogel demonstrates an ultimate strain exceeding 700% , higlelectrical conductivity, and tunable low adhesion properties, effectively mitigating noise caused by motionartifacts during normal physiological activities,By adjusting the ratio of N-isopropylaerylamide ( NIPAM)andacrylamide ( AAM) , the hydrogel’s lower critical solution temperature (LCST) can be precisely controlledExperimental results show that electrodes assembled with this hydrogel achieved a low contact impedanee of20 k(2 at 100 Hz, and the signal-to-oise ratio of the recorded electrocardiogram signals exceeded 28 dB,maintaining funetionality for up to 24 hours. This high -performance hydrogel electrode offers greater potential for the next generation of intelligent physiological signal monitoring and application scenarios.
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Exploration of the Spring Sheet Motion Parametersof the Magnetic Mechanical Oscillator Models
XIA Zhu, XIE Jialing, XIAO Guoliang, GU Jilin
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 44-53.
In view of the phenomenon in the magnetic mechanical oscillator model, Hook's law and Maxwell’ sequation are used to establish the second order ordinary differential equation and obtain the faetors affecting theamplitude and energy of the spring sheet. The control single variable method was used for experimentalexploration , and then the experimental video was tracked frame by frame by Matlab simulation and Trackeisoltware, and compared the experimental results and theory. The average relative errors of the five groups were 3.21%,1.83%,2.67%, 1.98% and 2.36% , respectively, which provided theoretical support and experimentalmethod for the related research of magnetic mechanical oscillator.
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Experiments of Observation of Sub-pixel Arrangement ofCellphone OLED Screen and Combination of Color
WANG Xicheng, LlU Wenjing, ZHAO Zhengyan, LIU Bin, ZHANG Shuihe
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 54-57.
The theory of three primary colors is one of the principles of color-conversion display devices, and the experiment of color-conversion is a common experiment showing the principle of three primary colors in thephysical experiment system. By combination the experimental content with daily life, it is effective to improvethe experimental teaching effect stimulate students’ learing interest. The students can use their own mobilephone as the experimental instrument for the observation of sub-pixel distribution of OLED sereen in the color-conversion experiment, which can not only complete the experiment but also mobilize students’ enthusiasm for exploration and achieve good teaching elfect. In this study, the designed experiment in this study does not needadditional light souree and color-converter compared with the current experiment. The designed experiment greatly reduces the cost and has good promotion significance.
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The Measurement of Wind-nduced Pressure Dragand Drag Coefficient of a Long Cylindrical Rod
CHEN Ligen , ZHENG Maoqun , ZHANG Shuo , LI Zongqin, FENG Zhuohong
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 58-62.
A comprehensive experiment to measure the wind-induced pressure drag and drag coellicient of aong cylindrical rod was designed. A self-made suction wind tunnel was built, the wind pressure around the rodin a uniform flow field was measured, and the pressure distribution coefficient and the pressure drag werecalculated, Based on experimental parameters, Fluent software was used to simulate the wind pressuredistribution around the rod. The numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the experiment aresults, which proved the aecuracy of the simulation model.0n this basis, the influences of wind speed and roddiameter on the pressure drag of the long eylindrical rod were simulated numerically , and the drag coefficient inthe experimental environment was determined.
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The Preparation and Upconversion Luminescence Propertiesof Yb3+/Tm3+ Co-doped Layered Perovskite CaBi2Nb2O9 Semiconductor
ZHANG Langjing , YANG Fang , SHU Yun, LI Yi , SHI Yi , Ll Wenrui, Ll Shikun, PENG Yuehong
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 63-67.
In this work, the Yb3+/Tm3+ co-doped layered perovskite CaBi2Nb2O9 upconversion( UC )luminescent material were synthesized by the solid state method.Their erystalline structure, morphology and theUC luminescent properties were investigated through powder X-ay difiraction (XRD) , field emission scanningelectron mieroscopy (FESEM) and speetral analysis of UC emission.Under 980 nm exeitation, the CaBi2Nb2O9: Yb3+/Tm3+ samples exhibits bright blue emission centered at 478 nm accompanied with typicalweak red emission at 647 and 695 nm and near infrared ( NR) emission at 783 nm, which ascribe to 1G 4 → 3 H 6 、1 G4 →3 F4 、3 F3 →3 H6 and 3 H4 →3 H6 transitions of Tm3+, respectively. Power dependence studies revealthat all the UC emissions are a two-photon process.The results indicate that CaBi2Nb2O9 is a promisingcandidate for UC luminescent materials.
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Experimental Teaching Research of Replaceable Small-Angle Measurement
YANG Bo , ZHANG Wei , L Guowei, QIAN Ju, HU Pengyu, WANG Leini
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 68-71.
lmproving the resolution and range of angle measurement systems is crucial for the development ofangle measurement technology. Compared with traditional angle measurement methods using rotating prisms, theproposed small-angle measurement experimental device based on laser self-mixing interference technology issimple in structure and low in cost, and can improve the resolution of small-angle measurement while expandingthe angle measurement range, and effectively deepen students’understanding of small -angle measurement. By introducing the latest progress of scientifie research into experimental teaching, the designed exploratory experiments can enrich the teaching content of college physics experiments, and play a substantial role incultivating students’scientific research literacy and improving their proactive exploration ability.
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Finite Element Simulation Experiment DesignonTransmission Line and Waveguide
ZHA Wenlai, YANG Junxiu, KONG Yanyan, LU Jun
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 72-77.
Electromagnetie field theory is difficult to teach , learn, and apply, and experiments are a window forstudents to understand application of electromagnetie fields.Graphics and images are interpreted based modern finite element simulation Maxwell and HFSS software. Based on Maxwell, taking electrie field of high-voltagetransmission line joints as an example, simulate the field distribution at the joints; Based on HFSS, taking rectangular air waveguide transmission lines as an example , analyze the periodic distribution of electromagneticfields.The experiment is based on solving electromagnetic field problems, forming a comprehensive electromagnetic field experimental experience through theoretical analysis, modeling and simulation, andpractical operation , cultivating students’ ability to analyze and solve problems using electromagnetic fieldheory, enhancing learning interest and engineering practice ability.
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Research Experimental Teaching Design for a Self-power α-Ga2O3/Cu2O Dual-band Photodetector
WANG Jin, ZH Ting, XUE Junjun
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 78-82.
To cultivate innovative talents, combined with the teaching content of electronic scienee andtechnology , a research experiment teaching design for A self-power α-Ga2O3/Cu2O dual-band photodetector’was designed.α-Ga2O3, nanowires and Cu2O nanoparticles were prepared by hydrothermal method and photo-deposition.The nanowires were characterized by Xray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope. Theprepared α-Ga2O3/Cu2O heterostructure photodetector was capable of detecting deep ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet resolution through the reasonable design of the device’s band structure. The physical mechanism isanalyzed deeply. lntegrating the exploration spirit of academic research into the experiment can not only enhance the interest of the experiment, but also exercise the students’ independent learning ability, innovativepractiee ability,scientife research, and exploration ability.
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Teaching Design for Preparation of High Performance Al2O3 Dielectric Materials by Atomic Layer Deposition Method
WANG Leini , YANG Bo, HU Yang, HU Pengfei, LU Shibin, WANG Feifei, ZHOU Ruiyang , QlU Chen, YOU Xinyu, LIU Yibo , TAO Xiyu
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 83-87.
With the advaneement of mieroelectronies technology towards the nanoscale, the development ofhigh-perforance dielectric materials has become the key to improving the performance of integrated circuits Atomic Layer Deposition (ALI) technology shows great potential in the preparation of high-performance Al2O3 lielectric materials due to its exeellent film uniformity , precise thickness control, and good interface properties. It focuses on the experimental teaching content of ALD method for preparing Al2O3 high-performance dielectricmaterials is designed for related majors such as microelectronies science and engineering and integrated circuits. By introducing the principles of ALD deposition technology, knowledge related to Al2O3 dielectricfilms, experimental operation procedures, characterization and analysis of Al2O3 dieleetrie films and otherprocess designs.lt aims to cultivate and improve students’ practical and innovative abilities.
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Low Temperature Design and Test Verification of 4 KTop Sample Change Based on GM Refrigerator
XU Zhiyong, LI Yanfeng, NIE Yang, QIAO He
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 88-92.
The basic experiments of electrical, optical and magnetothermal properties are carried out in the infrared detection element of low noise amplifier used to receive microwave signal, which is usually cooled bysmall refrigerator with closed cyele. Based on GM refrigerator, a 4 K top change structure is designed, and thedetailed theoretical analysis and test verilication are carried out to confirm the size of the structure, and some progress and results are achieved.
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Comparative Application of Matplotlib and Matlab in DataAnalysis of College Physics Experiments
XIN Zhengyang, LIU Junjie, LU Chao, NIU Xianghong
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 97-102.
In the field of physical experimentation, the meticulous and strict processing of experimental dataforms the cornerstone of experimental research. Especially in complex physical experiments where the precisionof data proeessing and the quality of plotting are paramount, it is particularly crucial to leverage professionadata processing software to carry out tasks such as data analysis , visualization, and curve fitting. This study takesthe f'rank-lertz experiment as a case study, implementing intuitive and efficient visualization of experimentaldata using both Matplotlib and MA'TLAB soltware.lt was found that in this experiment, the images produced byMA'TLAB software were more detailed, and the code was simpler. Furthermore, using the basic magnetizationcurve and hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic materials as examples, the exeeptional performance of these twosoftware packages in image fiting was revealed, MA'TLAB was found to have a stronger fitting capability and agreater variety of fiting options available. Integrating Matplotlib and MATLAB into college physics experimentteaching can not only stimulate students’ innovation awareness but also foster their scientifie research literacyand lay a solid foundation for their future engagement in scientific research.
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Digital Grating Spectrometer and Its Applicationin Food Pigment easurement
XU Xingran, DAl Chuxin, YANG Taiqun, CHEN Lei
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 103-106.
Leveraging the digital visualization capabilities of the Raspberry Pi, combined with its portabilityand ease of use , the measurement scheme for grating spectrometry in university physics experiments has beenimproved.By independently writing Python programs and utilizing blue and green monochromatic light sources, the wavelengths of the visible spectrum within the field of view were determined, and the difiraction angles oflight of different wavelengths were calculated. Additionally , by connecting a home made grating spectroscope anddigital camera, the spectral distribution under different pigment concentrations was successfully displayed onthe Raspberry Pi’s sereen, During the experiment, based on the measured absorbance spectrum and pigmentconcentration data, a funetional relationship between absorbanee and pigment coneentration was fitted. ltmeasurement scheme not only enhances the accuracy and convenience of the experiment but also providesstudents with an intuitive learning platform. lt helps them to better understand and grasp the principles ofspectroscopy and its application in physics experiments.
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Dynamic Simulation of the Central CollisionPhenomenon Based on Mathematica
CHENG Lixian, LI Mingyang, WANG Jia, GU Jilin
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 107-112.
Central collision represents an idealized model of collision and constitutes one of the critical contentswithin classical mechanies. With the aid of Mathematica, a potent programming software, this study undertook anexploration of the significant knowledge point regarding colliding hearts. Grounded in the relevant formulaswithin classical mechanics, all three collision-like models the full elastic collision, the full inelastic collision,and the incomplete elastic collision, along with the bullet model, the spring model, and the plate model-wereprecisely simulated. A suecession of vivid dynamic renderings were generated, taking into account the influenceof the object’'s shape, and the real+ime fluctuations of key physical quantities such as velocity were presentedin the figure.lt proves beneficial for learners to establish distinct physical images, enhance their comprehension of the phenomenon of heart collision , and enrich the digital resource library of physics teaching.Concurrently, It also showcases the extensive development prospects of Mathematica programming software in the development of physics teaching resources.
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Application of MATLAB Simulation Technology in OpticalPolarization Experiment Data Analysis
CAO Yan, LI Shuang, MA Xilin
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 118-124.
lt primarily investigates the application of MATLAB simulation technology in the analysis of datafrom optical polarization experiments. lt provides a detailed exposition of the fundamental principles of optical polarization experiments, encompassing Malus’s Law and the pertinent knowledge regarding quarter-wave andhalf-wave plates. It delves deeply into the specifie applications of MATLAB in the analysis of opticalpolarization experiment data, such as the analysis of experimental phenomena associated with Malus’s Law, the study of angular errors and phase delay in quarter-wave plate experiments, and the analysis of phenomen observed in half-wave plate experiments, Ultimately, the conclusion underscores the pivotal role of MA'TLABsimulation technology in enhancing the aecuracy and eficieney of data analysis in optical polarization experiments.
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Reform and Practice of the Principle and System of Optical FiberCommunication Based on Research Feeding Teaching
WEN Jin, WANG Qian, GANG Tingting, FAN Wei, LIU Yinggang
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 125-132.
The principle and system of optical fiber communication is an important course for the major olOpto -lectronics information science and engineering.The purpose of this course is to enable students to fully understand the basie knowledge of optical fiber communication , and to cultivate students’ basic skills of opticafiber communication and the application skills of new technologies and new methods.In recent years, the rapiddevelopment of optical fiber communication technology has also led to a huge increase in the capacity and speed of optical fiber communication systems. Meanwhile, the synergy between oplical fiber communication teaching and scientilic research has become an important starting point for cultivating students’ innovativescientifie research thinking ability and practical ability. This research describes some attempts of integrating thescientilic research progress into the teaching, including the introduction of optical fiber communication systemsimulation software Optisystem to construct the detailed visual structure of optical transmitter, optical fibertrans mission line and optical receiver of optical fiber communication system. Furthermore, the dynamic characteristies of signal eye diagram and bit error rate of optical fiber communication system are analyzed.Through the way of scientific research backeeding teaching,the practical results of optical fiber communication research are introduced into teaching. 0n the one hand, the basic concepts and workflow in thecourse of optical fiber communication principle and system can be more intuitive.0n the other hand, it can cultivate students’ scientifie research innovative thinking and practical ability. The teaching reform and practicehave certain signilicance for cultivating academic talents of Opto-lectronics information science and engineering with innovative spirit and innovative consciousness.
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Design of Ideological and Political Educationby Coupling the PetroleumSpirit with the Scientific Spirit in College Physics Course
HE Wenhao, ZHANG Runqing , YANG Dongjie, CHEN Junging, LIU Zilong, WANG Xiaohui, NING Luhui
Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 133-138.
Ideological and political education is the organic combination of ideological and political work andeducation teaching work, aiming to effectively fulfill the fundmental task of cultivating people with integrity. College physics course is a compulsory basic course for students in science and engineering colleges, and the physical ideas, research methods, and thinking styles displayed by the course refleet the scientific spirit , whichis of great significanee for the cultivation of students’ proessional practical ability. The spirit of daring to challenge and exploring the unknown is the essence of scientific spirit and the characteristic of petroleum spirit. The spirit of constantly exploring and struggling hard for progress is also included in the petroleum spirit, whichembodies the human desire for progress and development.Petroleum is a comprehensive industry that appliesrich physics knowledge, and its development process has crystallized the petroleum spirit with the core of“Daqing Spiri’, “ron Man $piri’, “Hard Work and Practicality", and “Strict Requirements on Three Oldand Four $trict ". Integrating petroleum elements into the college physics classroom can enable students to better understand the knowledge while cultivating their sense of responsibility and patriotic sentiment. Therefore, integrating the spirit of petroleum and seientifie spirit into the classroom can cultivate students’ profession alability while shaping healthy personality and enhancing the sense of “making China strong" mission.
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