With the continuous growth in global energy demand and the inereasing awareness of environmentalprotection, the development and utilization of renewable energy have become imperative.In this context,perovskite solar cells have garmered extensive research interest due to their high efficiency and low cost. lfintroduces a research-oriented physical experiment focused on the synthesis and photovoltaic performance characterization of multi-quantum well perovskites. The experiment aims to synthesize multi-quantum wellperovskite materials and evaluate their performance in photovoltaic applications, thereby fostering undergraduates' interest in scientifie research and practical skills.The experiment involves the following keycomponents : synthesis of multi-quantum well perovskite materials by incorporating organic cations of differentsizes using an intercalation strategy to regulate the material's structure and phase distribution ; characterizationof the structure, crystallinity, and optical/electrical properties of the materials using X-ay diflraction, andabsorption-emission spectroscopy techniques; fabrication of perovskite solar cells and evaluation of their photovoltaic conversion efficiency through current-voltage curves,This experiment aims to provide students witha comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts in material physics, device physics, and photovoltaie technology.lt seeks to inspire their research interest in the field of renewable energy and providepractical experience and technical foundations for their future scientific endeavors or careers.The experimental design balances comprehensive teaching and cuttingedge research, potentially contributing positively toeducational reform in physics and related disciplines.