Dynamic Simulation of the Central CollisionPhenomenon Based on Mathematica
CHENG Lixian,LI Mingyang, WANG Jia, GU Jilin*
Central collision represents an idealized model of collision and constitutes one of the critical contentswithin classical mechanies. With the aid of Mathematica, a potent programming software, this study undertook anexploration of the significant knowledge point regarding colliding hearts. Grounded in the relevant formulaswithin classical mechanics, all three collision-like models the full elastic collision, the full inelastic collision,and the incomplete elastic collision, along with the bullet model, the spring model, and the plate model-wereprecisely simulated. A suecession of vivid dynamic renderings were generated, taking into account the influenceof the object’'s shape, and the real+ime fluctuations of key physical quantities such as velocity were presentedin the figure.lt proves beneficial for learners to establish distinct physical images, enhance their comprehension of the phenomenon of heart collision , and enrich the digital resource library of physics teaching.Concurrently, It also showcases the extensive development prospects of Mathematica programming software in the development of physics teaching resources.
Published: 25 October 2024
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