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    •   Volume 37 Issue 6, 25 December 2024 Previous Issue  
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      Measurement and Analysis of the Electromagnetic Radiation of Wireless Communication Devices   Collect
      LIU Shengguang, LI Hongsheng, WANG Zhenhou CHEN Baiyu, PING Buyun, ZHANG Huayu
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 1-6.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.001
      Abstract     PDF(6190KB)

      A radiated power measurement system was constructed by using ulra-widehand antenna and digitalradio frequeney wattmeter. The radiated power of communieation devices including smart phone , wireless router ,teleeommunication base station ,ete, which are quite common in daily life was measured and analyzed.and their eleetromagnetie radiation pattem eharacteristies and attenuation laws with distance were explored. There search results show that the radiated power generated by wireless deviees will alenuate rapidly as the distance inereases, The radiated power is close to the environment level when the mobile phone is 20 em awavand the wireless router is 2 m away. The issue of the negative impact on human body by eleetro magneticradiation is fually considered in the design of wireless communication equipment ,and the major absorption bandof human body is avoided, Finally, several suggestions are put forward to avoid the inlluenee from radioirequeney radiation as much as possible.

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      Research Experimental Design of Memristor based on Silver Nanoparticle   Collect
      ZHOU Haojun, FAN Jusheng, WANG Xicheng, Llu JuqingWANG Lei , YANG Ying, RUI Yunjun
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 7-13.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.002
      Abstract     PDF(4625KB)

      In the teaching of RCL, circuit experiment, students are guided to think about the origin olmemristor, In view of the outstanding problems in memristor teaching, device performance is mainly simulated, and testing is dependent on the expensive semiconductor analyzer, Based on the scientific research and experimental teaching, the authors prepared the memristor with a AgNW/AgNP-PVP/AgNW sandwich structure , built a simple test circuit, and demonstrated the conduetive charaeteristics of the memristor Combining the frontier research with the reform of experimental teaching, the designed research experiments eultivate students’ innovative thinking and praetical ability. The seientilie research feeds teaching, and benelitsteachers and students.

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      Understanding Variations in Magnetic Induction Intensity of Magnets Using the Modified Dipole Model   Collect
      WEI Lujun, WANG Zengxu
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 14-18.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.003
      Abstract     PDF(1721KB)

      Measurements of the magnetoelectric conversion characteristics were carried out using a giant magnetoresistive ( GMR ) sensor, and the interval of linear relation between the output voltage and the magnetic induction intensity ( 0our-B) was obtained. The magnetic induction intensity on the mid-plumb line of the N.pole of the bar magnet and in the direction of the midline of the hoof opening of the horseshoe magnet were determined using a GMR sensor, Subsequently, a plot of B versus x( position) was plotted and it was found thatit could not be fitted well using the magnetic dipole model ( B ~ x~’ ) .Therefore , a modified magnetic dipole model , i.e., an equation derived by considering the magnet as a number of magnetie dipoles, was used to fit the data better, and can be reasonably explained.

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      Experimental Study on Measurement of Young’s Modulus of Solid by Simply Supported Beam Deflection Method Based on Single Slit Diffraction   Collect
      WANG Shuangying, CAl Zhao, JlING Ruiping
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 19-24.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.004
      Abstract     PDF(2137KB)

      The experimental project of Young’s modulus measurement is very important in the college physics experiment. In this paper ,the deflection of a simply supported beam is transformed into the change of the width of the slit by means of a single slit diffraction deviec ,and the Young modulus of the beam is obtained. In order to improve the measuring precision and digital degree of the device ,a CCl camera is used to photograph the difiraction spot, and use numerical sot ware to process the photographed pictures to get the width of the diffraction spot and the slit width, so as to get the Young modulus of the object to be measured. The experimental principle of this measurement scheme is clear and reasonable ,and the experimental measurement accuracy is high. Meanwhile , the cross-fertilisation of mechanics and optics can elfectively expand students thinking ability and innovation ability, make students understand the principle of light diffraction and the measurement method of Young modulus more deeply ; at the same time ,the experimental results are obtained by using the numerical software to process the images , which makes the experimental operation more efficient and intelligent.

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      Design of Experimental Teaching System of Binocular 3D Reconstruction Based on Line Laser Scanning   Collect
      ZHOU Lu, XU Yiqing, LIU Ziyuan
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 25-31.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.005
      Abstract     PDF(4999KB)

      3D scanning reconstruction technology has been widely used in many fields for the advantages of fast data acquisition, high measurement accuracy and non-contact measurement. In order to apply 3l) scanning technology to experimental teaching better and help students understand and master the technology more comprehensively ,we simplified its complex structure , distilled the most core part of the system , and designed and developed a binocular 3l reconstruction system design based on line laser scanning. The system uses Matlab as the software development platform, and combines the line laser, industrial camera, 20) electronic control platform and computer to build the whole system hardware platform, which realizes the automatic 3l)data acquisition and image reconstruction of objects , and improves the visualization and manipulability of the3l) scanning process. The experimental results show that the system is easy to operate and has high measurement accuracy , which can better meet the requirements of scientific research tests and teaching expermments.

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      Study of Physics Teaching Experiment on Long Baseline Inter-Satellite Laser Interferometry Link   Collect
      LIN Xiang, QlU Peng, XU Zhilin, LIANG Yurong, YAN Hao
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 32-37.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.006
      Abstract     PDF(5262KB)

      Inter-satellite laser interferometry enables nanometer- and even picometer-level long-base line displacement measurements, with significant application value in fields such as satellite navigation, lase reommunication ,Earth’s gravity field measurement , and space-based gravitational wave detection. The primary technical challenges of long-baseline laser interferometric links include weak light reception , beam pointing acquisition , and Doppler shift, Based on the principle of heterodyne laser interferometry , this paper designs abidircetional laser interfer ometrie link experiment to simulate long-baseline displacement and laser pointing angle measurements between satellite platforms, The device achieves real-time precision measurement of inter-satellite distance and pointing angle changes by measuring the interference phase shift between the received laser from the remote satellite and the loeal reference laser. This experimental system is suitable forunder graduate physics teaching, encompassing multiple disciplines such as opties , electronics , kinematics , and helps students develop skills in optical system design, experimental apparatus setup, error analysis ,and data processing while deepening their understanding of laser interferometry principles and its applications in deep-space exploration.

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      Measurement Thermal Conductivity of Ice Based on Ingenious Indirect Steady-State Method   Collect
      CUI Xiuhua, MU Baoxia , JING Oun , J Xu
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 38-44.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.007
      Abstract     PDF(1695KB)

      An experimental device is designed to measure the thermal eonductivity of pure ice and salt impurit based on ingenious indirect steady-stated method. The results show that the thermal conductivity of pure iceremains unchanged at this temperature , while thermal eonduclivity of ice added NaCl impurity is lower than that of pure ice. Additionally the thermal conductivity of ice is decrease with the increasing of NaCl impurit concentration, The principle of the device is simple and easy to implement, the operation is simple ancrepecat able, and the measurement results are accurate, This study is also an expansion of the experimen* Measurement of thermal conductivity" in “ Basie Requirements for Physies Experiment Course Teaching in Seience and Engineering Universities ( 2023 edition)" ,which reached to the requirements of Class C ,and hascertain research significance for promoting physics experiment teaching.

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      Analysis and Experimental Study of the Abnormal Signal in Ultrasonic Doppler Effect Experiment   Collect
      FAN Lei, ZHAO Jingru, HUANG Yurong, MU Cuiling
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 45-49.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.008
      Abstract     PDF(2663KB)

      ln an ultrasonic Doppler elfeet experiment, an abnormal signal from other ultrasonic sources wascollected by the local reeciver. 'To explain this phenomenon, firstly, two possible paths of the signals were hypothesized, and the corresponding physical models proposed. Experiments were then carried out respectively to verily the models. lt was proved that the abnormal signal in the experiment originated from the rellection olsound waves coming from adjacent ultrasonic wave sources through the ceiling and the ground. Finally , it was elarified that the loeal measured results would not be interfered by the adjacent experiments, by both of theory and experiment. lt demonstrates the paradigm of “ phenomenon-questions-conjecture-modeling- verification" in our experiment teaching to guide and inspire students to question and to solve problems. While explaining phenomena , students’ experimental thinking was trained and their problem-solving ability was improved.

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      Teaching Research on Heat Transfer Simulation Experiments of Laser-Irradiated Fused Quartz   Collect
      YU Qi, XU Zhenxiang, LI Qian, LÃ Liang
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 50-54.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.009
      Abstract     PDF(1353KB)

      College physics experiment teaching is an important educational method for consolidating the basic physics knowledge of students in science and engineering majors, and cultivating their experimental method sand scientific spirit. This paper utilizes Comsol simulation software to conduct a heat transfer simulation experiment involving laser irradiation of fused silica. By varying the power of the incident laser and the spotradius ,the temporal and spatial distribution of the temperature field in the fused silica is analyzed. Through the simulation experiment teaching ,the objective is to enhance sludents’ understanding and knowledge of the healconduction equation in university physics, while also improving their abilities to analyze and design experimental plans ,and use simulation software to solve physical problems.

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      Study on Voltammetry Test of Diode Volt-ampere Characteristics   Collect
      XIAN Fuzheng, SU Wenbin, LU Hongwang, SONG Hongxiao , GUAN Jing, SUN Shangqian
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 55-59.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.010
      Abstract     PDF(1302KB)

      The experiment in which diode volt-ampere characteristics are tested via a voltlammetry method is an appropriate teaching content for students in the transition from secondary edueation to higher education due toits simple cireuit ,convenient operation and understandable principle.ln this work , the influences of temperature and meter eonnections in the experiment are studied to help people understand the experimental prineiple as well as improve the teaching quality. lt is suggested that the current flowing through the diode should be limitedto reduce the experimental error introduced by temperature rise.The experimental error is much smaller when the ampere meter is connected outside the voltmeter-diode loop, After math ematieal trealments by introducing the internal resistances of the meters , the experimental results measured when the ampere meter is connec tecinside the voltmeter-diode loop are similar to those when the ampere meter is connected outside the voltmeter. diode loop.The analyses of the experimental results and the oretieal formula show that the ideal current-voltage relationship in positive biased PN junction is not suitable for practical diodes.

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      Design of Non-Explosive Fire Extinguishing Shell Based on Electromagnetic Drive   Collect
      WU Runqiang , JlANG Shan , Ll Zhiyu, REN Qingying , SUN Kexue
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 60-63.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.011
      Abstract     PDF(1335KB)

      Aiming at the fire extinguishing method using fire extinguishing bomb ,a design of non-explosive firecxt inguishing bomb based on electro magnelie drive is proposed. The eleetromagnetic drive uses the prineiple otcoil mutual inductance coupling, uses the single-chip microcomputer to control the relay as a circuit switch , and instantaneously passes the electric energy stored by the capaeitor through the discharge coil, forming eddycurrents in the inductance coil, providing thrust for the fire extinguishing bomb , and indireetly converting the electric energy into the kinetic energy of the fire extinguishing bomb. The non-explosive design of the fireextinguishing cartridge realizes the separation of the cartridge head and body and the spraying of fireextinguishing materials by pressing the tactile switch on the top of the cartridge head, which not only reduces the destructiveness of the fire extinguishing cartridge, but also saves the cost by the reusable cartridge shelldc sign and reduces the waste of resources. Compared with other fire fighting methods, the design has the advantages of higher adjustability , wider fire extinguishing range ,lower environmental sensitivity , recyclability, high precision and high eliciency ,and has certain application and popularization value.

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      Research on an Experimental Setup for Measuring the Coefficient of Linear Expansion Using Optical Methods   Collect
      JlNG Wenhao, WANG Xinxin, XlE Rongke, LI Hailin , XlA Xiangfang
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 64-67.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.012
      Abstract     PDF(1205KB)

      The coeflieient of linear expansion is one of the important the rmophysieal properties of materials. which is widely used in engineering structure design, machinery manufacturing and other fields. Traditional measurement methods have problems such as low accuracy and great influence by external conditions. In orderto improve the reliability of the measurement data, a new instrument was designed to measure the linear expansion coelficient of an object using two methods at the same time. ln this experiment, the linear expansion of aluminum rods within a certain temperature range was measured by split-tip interferometry and single-slidifl raction ,and the data were processed by matlab, The experimental results show that the two methods can beearried out at the same time without interfering with each other, and the data obtained are relatively accurate, and the new instrument has the advantages of high measurement accuracy , good repeatability and convenicn operation , which provides an effective method for the study of thermal properties of materials.

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      Measurement of Solution Refractive Index Using the Michelson Interference Method Based on Capstone Software   Collect
      LING Fengzi , XU Lei , HOU Chao
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 68-73.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.013
      Abstract     PDF(3945KB)

      Measuring the solution refractive index is crucial for understanding the optical and chemical properties of materials , with wide applications in both scientific research and industrial fields. This study proposes a novel refractive index measurement device based on Capstone software and the Michelson interference method. By introducing a finely adjustable oplical stage into the light path ,the angle of the cuvelte can be precisely manipulated , allowing for the refractive index calculations based on changes in the interference fringe counts, Additionally, replacing the traditional visual observation with a high-precision optical sensor ensures the reliability of the measurement results. The combination of the 550 data acquisition device and Capstone software fiurther improves the real-time data collection and processing capabilities , significant enhancing the accuracy and eficiency of measurements, Measurements of pure water and various concentrationsof sodium chloride , sodium carbonate , and sodium bicarbonate solutions demonstrate that the device has stable performance and high prceision, with relative errors not exeeeding 0.5%6.This research not only provides newin sights for reforming Michelson interference experiments but also advances the use of modern technology inphysics education ,providing students with a more intuitive and eficient learning experience.

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      Analysis of Factors Affecting Current in Photoelectrie Effect Experiments   Collect
      ZHANG Zhiming , HE Shan , LlU Junhao
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 74-77.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.014
      Abstract     PDF(1334KB)

      According to the quantum theory of light ,the necessary condition for the photoelectric effect is that the frequency of the incident light is greater than the threshold frequency. When this condition is satisfied ,the flux of the escaped electrons depends on the flux of the incident photon. When the frequency of the incident light is greater than the threshold frequency , and the flux of the incident photon is delinitc, the flux of the escaped electrons is also definite, However, not all of these escaped electrons reach the anode to form a current In this paper , the physical factors affecting the current under a certain escaped electrons flux are analyzed. The results show that the main factors affecting the current are the applied forward voltage and the electron escapeangle ( the angle between the initial veloeity of the escaped electron and the axial direction of the phototube)'Then by using the graphing method , we examined the influences of 0, and  in detail, and the conclusions show that ,for an electron with a certain 6,, it can reach the anode and contribute to the current only when l isgreater than a certain critical value. While for a certain U, only those electrons with 0, less than a certaineritical value can reach the anode and contribute to the current.

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      Visualization Experimental Study of Sound Localization Based on Optics   Collect
      CHEN Yueshan , Ll Wenhua
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 78-86.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.015
      Abstract     PDF(6515KB)

      In the wave of rapid development of science and technology ,sound positioning plays an increasing! important role in our daily life. Traditional sound localization technology is often limited by complex sign a analysis and high dependence on professionals, while the emerging optical assisted sound localization technology shows unprecedented potential. This study is devoted to the study of an innovative sound position in device based on Lissajous graphics prineiple, aiming to realize the innovative positioning method of sound source through optical visualization technology, The design of the device fully considers the practicability versatility and operability, It adopts a simple structure and combines the principles of optics , acoustics and vibration to realize the visual presentation of sound signals, thus significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of positioning.

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      Comparison of Different Data Processing Methods and First Principle Simulations of Frank-Hertz Experiments   Collect
      LIU Lvting, NlU Xianghong, LI Yongtao
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 87-91.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.016
      Abstract     PDF(1367KB)

      The Frank-Hertz experiment is important for verifying the quantization of electron energy and is aclassie in recent physics experiments, However, the experimental results are generally limited by the experimental conditions and data processing methods. In this paper, Matlab soltware is used to calculate the first excitation potential of monatomie gas argon by segmented linear interpolation , three times Hermite inte rpolation and three times spline interpolation and ploting the curve of eight sets of measured data, and it is found that the curve fitted by three times spline interpolation is smoother and the consisency of the results is belter. Meanwhile ,the first exeitation potential of the gas argon is obtained by the quantum mechanics-based first nature prineiple caleulation, and compared with the experimental results, it is found that compared with the Perdew-Burke-Erzerhof( PBE ) generalized funetion, the first excitation potential calculated by using theHeyd-Seuseria-Emzerhof( HSE06 ) generalized function has a better agreement with the experimental value ,and the introduction of spin-orbit coupling leads to the cleavage of the energy level but does not change theexeitation potential significantly.

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      Simulation Practice of Active Filter Circuit Based on Multisim   Collect
      WANG Qiang, ZHANG Yiting, HE Qiang, FANG Kaihong, ZHANG Shuo, CHEN Liang
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 92-98.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.017
      Abstract     PDF(1958KB)

      Fundamentals of Electronics is an engineering, practice course , in which active filter circuit has a wide range of applications in the field of signal processing.In this paper , the Multisim simulation software is applied to the teaching of Fundamentals of Electronics ,and the active filter circuit is simulated and compared with the theoretical caleulation. Praeliec shows that the application of Multisim in circuit simulation canintuitively observe the transient process and frequency character isties of the circuit , and analyze the influeneeof circuit structure and device parameter changes on frequency characteristics, lt is intuitive , convenient, ellieient and time-saving, effectively overcoming the limitations of hardware experiments, Simulation and emulation can help students for better understanding of classroom teaching content , stimulate their interest in learning, enhance their ability to analyze and design electronic circuits, and improve the effectiveness ofelassroom teaching.

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      Matlab Simulation of Young’s Double-slit Interference Experiment with A White Light Source   Collect
      WANG Ye, WANG Yan, ZHANG Zhifeng, FENG Xuechao
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 99-104.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.018
      Abstract     PDF(2487KB)

      Young’ s double. slit interference ( YDSl) is an important content in the courses like Optics ,College Physics , and its basic principle is widely used in engineering technology. In this paper, YDSl experiment was simulated by programming with MA'TLAB, and the simulation results straightforwardly show the effects of theslit spacing, the distance between the slit and the receiving screen and the light wavelength on the YDSlP articularly, we simulated the YDSl experiment with the white light as a light source, based on which weshowed the color spectrum of dispersion induced by the interference , and the mechanism for the change of light intensity and spectral contrast, In addition, we further compared the simulation results of measuring there fractive index of transparent dielectric films when using, separately , monochromatie and white light as light sources , demonstrating the limitation of a monochromatic light source in the experiment, The simulation experiment performed in this work is of great significance not only for deepening students’ understanding on the light interference ,but also for enriching the teaching content of YDSl, and cultivating students’ scientific exploration literacy and improving their ability to analyze and solve problems using information technology.

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      Development of Virtual Simulation College Physics Experiments with Numerical Simulations :   Collect
      LI Jing , JANG Chenghuan , wU Qingehun , TANG Chunhong , CUl Yunkang , LI Liben
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 105-110.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.019
      Abstract     PDF(3825KB)

      With the advancement of computational power and technological improvements , interactive virtual simulation experiments based on physical principles have become feasible for university physics education. This paper takes the magnetron condition experiment as an example. By solving the equations of motion of the rmalelectrons under the influence of a radial eleetric field and an axial magnetic field, and integrating computer programming techniques , real-time calculation of electron trajectories is achieved. Experimental data collection and Boltzmann fiting functions are utilized to implement numerical simulations of the magnetron conditions .The simulation experiment incorporates differential computation funetion ality, adding a verification experiment where the initial velocities of thermal electrons follow a Maxwell velocity distribution into the teaching content. The virtual simulation experiment developed based on the technologies not only meets the existing experimental objectives but also visually displays electron trajectories, thereby expanding the depth and scope of the magnetron condition experment.

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      Design and Practice of a Virtual Laboratory for Microwave Experiments   Collect
      GUO Yuchen , LlU Bing
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 111-115.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.020
      Abstract     PDF(3153KB)

      The microwave generation process is difficult to display intuitively, Traditional experiments usually can only observe the changes in microwave electric field and magnetic field intensity through an oseillo scope This method is often difficult to help students deeply understand relevant physical concepts in traditional theoretical teaching. To improve students ’understanding of experimental principles, we have designed and developed a virtual simulation laboratory for microwave experiments. Through the virtual experiment , students can complete teaching tasks such as previewing, operating, and writing experiment reports, At the same time, teachers can also conduct teaching management in the background, With the help of advanced computation a simulation technology, the virtual simulation laboratory for micro wave experiments breaks through the limitations of real experiments in the observation of micro scopic phenomena. This platform can not only vividl show the principle of microwave generation by a reflection klystron ,but also present the electromagnetic field distribution of different modes in a waveguide , helping students understand the transmission principles and charaeter isties of microwaves more intuitively, The results of five years of teaching practice show that the application of the microwave experiment virtual laboratory has signilicantly improved teaching elfeetiveness.

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      A simulation Experiment Platform for the Characterization of Sensitive Galvanometer Based on LabVIEW   Collect
      CHEN Lang , ZHANG Yuyang, LÃ Mengxue, LI Chuhan, HE Xuemin
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 116-122.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.021
      Abstract     PDF(8502KB)

      A simulation experiment platform for the study of the characteristics of sensitive galvanometer was successfully built using LabVlEW, The distance d of the galvanomete’s cursor back to zero was visually observed under different external resistances Re, and the waveform chart showed three motion curves corresponding to underdamping, eritical damping and overdamping, respectively.The external eritical resistance was about 300 0.The data processing module has a high degree of visualization, A scatter plot of the experimental data was directly drawn in this platorm, The optimal R, ~ 1/d straight line was automatically displayed through linear fitting ,thereby completing the measurement of the current constant k and the internal resistance R, of the sensitive galvano meter. Multiple simulation results show that the relative error between the measured values of the two important physical parameters ( k ,R,) and the theoretical values is less than 1.0%6'Thus the virtual simulation experiment platform has good accuraey and stability. This platform can make the observation of the details of the experimental process more concrele, which is condtive to deepening the understanding of the experimental principle.

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      Studyon Vibration with Circuit Simulation ethod   Collect
      FENG Wei, ZHAO Songqin, MA Xiuhua
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 123-127.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.022
      Abstract     PDF(1234KB)

      This article analyzed the equation of forced vibration and the Kirchhol’'s voltage law of RLC series circuit , and established the corresponding relationship between mechanical and electrical quantities ,in order to solve the vibration problem by circuit analysis method, Based on the mature circuit simulation plat for msimulation circuits were built for different vibration types , and different vibration conditions were simulated by adjusting the parameters of circuit components , and the vibration information was obtained by measuring the circuit signals. According to the simulation results , damped vibrations , resonance results and non-sinusoid alperiodic driving force were discussed, The results showed that the use of circuit simulation method to study vibration problems can be used as a supplement to the content of Bohr resonance experiment.

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      Monte Carlo Simulation of Asymmetric Vesicle Membrane Structure Formed by ABA/CBC Triblock Copolymer Mixture   Collect
      SONG Yuzhen , HAN Yuanyuan , CUl Jie, FAN Juanjuan
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 128-135.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.023
      Abstract     PDF(11424KB)

      Monte Carlo simulation method was used to investigate the self-assembly behavior of two triblockco polymers with different hydrophilic block lengths, i.e., ABA and CBC ,as well as their mixtures ABA/ selective solvents of A and C blocks. The simulation results indicate that by regulating the hydrophobic interaction between the B block and the solvent , both triblock copolymers can self-assemble to form polymer vesicles with hydrophobic block B as the membrane and hydrophilic block A ( or C ) covering the surface of the hydrophobic membrane. When these two types of tribloek copolymers are mixed together, simulation results show that by adjusting the mixing ratio , asymmetric vesicles with asymmetric membrane structures can beformed with long hydrophilic blocks (C )on the outside and short hydrophilic blocks ( A ) inside. This asymmetric vesiclc has unique application value in the field of biomedieinc ,and our simulation results providencw ideas and necessary theoretical basis for the preparation of asymmetric vesiclcs.

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      Development and Teaching Practice of Advanced Experimental Programs   Collect
      MlA Yongping, DU Yingying, YU Wenhui, XU Shengtang, LlU Weihui
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 136-140.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.024
      Abstract     PDF(942KB)

      Based on the demand for cultivating innovative talents in the new era and the current situation of physics experiment teaching , taking the application research experiment of mechanical vibration characteristics as an example , this paper conducts research on the development, curriculum design , teaching implementation. and evaluation of advaneed experimental projects, and expands the development of several advaneed experimental projects. The teaching praetiee effect shows that independently developed advaneed experimental projects can cliectively improve the quality of college physics experiment courses and enhance the ability olcourse education.

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      Experimental Teaching and Research on Vortex Light Voltage Sensing Basedon the Cultivation of Scientific Research and Innovative Thinking   Collect
      WANG Zhiping, WANG Haitao , ZHU Qiang
      Physical Experiment of College. 2024, 37 (6): 141-144.   doi:10.14139/i.cnki.cn22-1228.2024.06.025
      Abstract     PDF(1753KB)

      The polarization and orbital angular momentum properties of light are of great significance in optical science and technology , especially in the fields of high-precision optical measurement and high-capacity optical communication. ln this experiment, we demonstrate a high-precision optical voltage measurement method that uses a Sagnac interferometer to make two beams of light with polarization perpendicular to each other carryorbital angular momentum ( OAM ), and combine them with birefringent crystals to obtain a “ fan-shaped' optical rotator carrying OAM beams by using the interference effect. This experiment applies abstract physical theoretical knowledge to conerete practice , which helps to improve students’ interest in scientific research and stimulate students’ innovative thinking.

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