Design of Visualizing Acoustic Experiment Contents
PAN Tianchen1,ZHAO Jinlong1 ,HUANG Yongzheng1,ZHANG Ran1,ZHOU Cheng2,FANG Qingting1 ,LUO Duanbin1*,LIU Longhao3
By designing and building a reflective V-schlieren light path ,the visualization of 40 kHz sound waveis realized.Using the schlieren light path,a series of teaching experiments about acoustics are designed anddeveloped.These contents can directly and conveniently demonstrate the reflection , diffraction , collimation ofhe acoustic traveling wave field and the mechanical effects of the one-dimensional and two-dimensionaacoustic standing wave field,and can also quantitatively measure the relevant parameters of the acoustic fieldand acoustic devices.The design and development of some experimental contents combines optics, acoustics. mechanics and other contents , and integrates the frontier application of acoustics, which greatly expands andenriches the contents of traditional acoustic experiments in current university physics experiments.
Published: 25 June 2023