Using the simplification of the experimental steps as a starting point, the photoelectric ellectlaboratory instrument is used to measure the refraetive index and conductivity of liquids.Combined with therelationship between different physical properties of liquids, the magnitude of photocurrent in differentconcentrations of the same liquid is measured. With the help of Origin software ,the equations of the calibrationcurves of photocurrent and liquid refractive index and conductivity were fitted. The refractive index andconductivity of the liquid can be calculated by substituting the magnitude of the measured photocurrent.
岳雨星, 浦仕然, 蔡芝艳, 伊相忠, 吕宪魁 , 郑永刚, 刘文广.
[J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 67-70.
YUE Yuxing, PU Shiran , CAl Zhiyan , YI Xiangzhong, LÃ Xiankui, ZHENG Yonggang, LIU Wenguang.
Measurement of Refractive Index and Conductivityof Liquids by Photoelectrie Effect Tester
. Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(3): 67-70.