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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(4): 115-117
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王帅坤1 ,吉晓瑞2* ,吕柳杏3 ,牛俊翔3 ,王兴云3 ,祁遇时1
1.沈阳工程学院 自动化学院,辽宁 沈阳 110136; 2.沈阳工程学院 基础部/美育中心,辽宁 沈阳110136; 3.沈阳 工程学院 电力学院,辽宁 沈阳 110136
The Influence of Three-Wirependulum’s Different Material Cycloid on Measuring Result
WANG Shuaikun 1 ,JI Xiaorui 2* ,L Liuxing 3 ,NIU Junxiang 3 ,WANG Xingyun 3 ,QI Yushi 1
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关键词:  三线摆  摆线材质  振动周期  百分误差     

Three-wire pendulum with different materials of the cycloid,will have different degrees of impact on the experimental results.The cycloid will resonate.Using fishing line and nylon line as cycloid respectively,measure the variation of the period of vibration and percentage error of the rings and bakelite plate with increasing mass when the cycloid extension was ignored and considered.The results of the experiment were analyzed.

Key words:  three-wire pendulum    cycloid materials    vibration period    percentage error
               出版日期:  2022-08-25      发布日期:  2022-08-25      整期出版日期:  2022-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-34  
王帅坤 , 吉晓瑞 , 吕柳杏 , 牛俊翔 , 王兴云 , 祁遇时 . 三线摆不同材质摆线对测量结果的影响 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(4): 115-117.
WANG Shuaikun , JI Xiaorui , L Liuxing , NIU Junxiang , WANG Xingyun , QI Yushi . The Influence of Three-Wirependulum’s Different Material Cycloid on Measuring Result . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(4): 115-117.
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