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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(4): 71-77
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舒 畅1,尚慧敏1,陶梦萍1,郭娟娟2,黄运米1*  
1.温州大学 数理学院,浙江 温州 325035; 2.北京外国语大学 温州附属学校,浙江 温州 325015
Design and Implementation of Rainbow and Secondary Rainbow Demonstrator
SHU Chang1,SHANG Huimin1,TAO Mengping1,GUO Juanjuan2,HUANG Yunmi1*
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舒 畅
关键词:    彩虹  清晰便捷  折射  反射  色散     

Rainbow and secondary rainbow are common natural phenomena in the sky after rain.Rainbows are formed after sunlight is refracted twice and reflected once in raindrops.The secondary rainbow is formed by two reflections and two refractions of sunlight in raindrops.Because secondary rainbow is reflected in raindrops more than rainbow once,the light intensity will weaken. Therefore,the brightness of secondary rainbow is much weaker than that of rainbow,so secondary rainbow is very rare.The rainbow phenomenon eproduced by the traditional rainbow demonstrator is not obvious,and it cannot display rainbow and secondary rainbow at the same time. It is inconvenient to make,and has high reproduction requirements. It cannot be studied quantitatively.After in-depth and detailed research,a new rainbow and secondary rainbow demonstration device is made to reproduce the rainbow and secondary rainbow phenomenon.The device has the advantages of simple operation,high portability,obvious phenomenon and low environmental requirements.It can also quantitatively study the influencing factors of rainbow and secondary rainbow.The demonstration of the rainbow and secondary

rainbow demonstrator can deepen the understanding of optical phenomena in the atmosphere and the principle

of rainbow and secondary rainbow formation.

Key words:  rainbow    secondary rainbow    clear and convenient    refraction    reflection    dispersion
               出版日期:  2022-08-25      发布日期:  2022-08-25      整期出版日期:  2022-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-34  
舒 畅, 尚慧敏, 陶梦萍, 郭娟娟, 黄运米. 霓虹演示装置的设计与实现 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(4): 71-77.
SHU Chang, SHANG Huimin, TAO Mengping, GUO Juanjuan, HUANG Yunmi. Design and Implementation of Rainbow and Secondary Rainbow Demonstrator . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(4): 71-77.
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