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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(4): 58-62
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湖北科技学院 工程技术研究院,湖北 咸宁 437100
Experimentalstudy of Liquid Refractive Index Measurement by Using Linear CCD
WANG Kewei,HU Siping,FENG Jinping,PENG Yabin,LU Shejie*
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提出一种利用线阵 CCD 测量液体折射率的方案,平行光束经过透镜汇聚,在汇聚点处设置线阵 CCD 检测光束直径大小,在透镜后加入液体,光束发生折射,利用线阵 CCD 测量出光束直径变化量,即可测量得液体的折射率。实验测量得蒸馏水、乙醇液体的折射率与标准值吻合,相对误差小于0.4%。对不同折射率的液体,只需测量出光束直径变化量即可测量出折射率。本方案结构简单、测量操作简化、测量准确,在物理实验教学和折射率测量仪研制中具有应用价值。

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关键词:  折射率  线阵 CCD  透镜  光束直径     

A scheme of measuring liquid refractive index based on linear CCD is proposed.The parallel beam emitted by laser converge through a lens,and a linear CCD is set at the convergence point to measure the diameter of the beam.After liquid is inject into the container behind the lens,the beam is refracted,and the refractive index can be measured by the variation of the beam diameter.The refractive index of distilled water and ethanol obtained by experiment is consistent with the standard value,and the relative error is less than 0.4%.Especially,the refractive index can be measured only by measuringthe variation of the beam diameter for different liquids.The scheme has the advantages of simple structure,simplified operation and accurate easurement,which has application value in physics experiment teaching and research on manufacturing refractive index measuring instrument.

Key words:  refractive index    linear CCD    lens    beam diameter
               出版日期:  2022-08-25      发布日期:  2022-08-25      整期出版日期:  2022-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
王可畏, 胡四平, 冯锦平, 彭亚斌, 卢社阶. 利用线阵CCD测量液体折射率实验研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(4): 58-62.
WANG Kewei, HU Siping, FENG Jinping, PENG Yabin, LU Shejie. Experimentalstudy of Liquid Refractive Index Measurement by Using Linear CCD . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(4): 58-62.
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