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大学物理实验, 2020, 33(1): 21-24
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费贤翔,陈春雷,王文华,师文庆, 黄存友
广东海洋大学 电子与信息工程学院,广东湛江,524088
Design of Lens Group Focal Length Measurement System Based on Object-Image Parallax Comparison
FEI Xianxiang,CHEN Chunlei,WANG Wenhua,SHI Wenqing,HUANG Cunyou
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关键词:  透镜组  焦距  视差     

The focal length of lens group can be measured by nodal slide. The advantage of using nodal slide is intuitive. Without nodal slide, we can also measure by Newton formula. When using Newton formula, we need to know the position of focus, object point and image point. The usual method is to judge the clarity of the image. Different people's judgment is different,and the error is large. In this paper, the method of object-image parallax comparison is used to judge. First, the whole measuring system is introduced, then the pinpoint system is introduced. Finally, the focus, object point and image point positions are measured by the methodof object-image parallax comparison. Finally, the focal length of lens group is obtained. The relative deviation is 0.13%. At the same time, the focal length of lens group are measured by a nodal slide, and relative deviation is 0.45%. It can be seen that the results measured by the method of object-image parallax comparison are more accurate.

Key words:  lens group    focal length    parallax
               出版日期:  2020-02-25      发布日期:  2020-02-25      整期出版日期:  2020-02-25
ZTFLH:  O4-33  
费贤翔, 陈春雷, 王文华, 师文庆, 黄存友. 基于物像视差比较的透镜组焦距测量系统的设计 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2020, 33(1): 21-24.
FEI Xianxiang, CHEN Chunlei, WANG Wenhua, SHI Wenqing, HUANG Cunyou. Design of Lens Group Focal Length Measurement System Based on Object-Image Parallax Comparison . Physical Experiment of College, 2020, 33(1): 21-24.
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