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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 6-12
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姚 琨,李广泽,姚陆锋,刘海楠,杨海彬,程华杰
海军工程大学 基础部物理教研室,湖北 武汉 430033
Experimental Study of Axial Electron Density Distributionin Neon DC Discharge
YA0 Kun ,LI Guangze , YAO Lufeng,LIU Hainan ,YANG Haibin ,CHENG Huajie
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自主搭建了激光干涉诊断系统,通过分析干涉条纹图像计算得到两路激光的相位差,再由相位差求得电子密度。 通过该诊断系统研究了在柱形等离子体放电中,不同位置电子密度随电压变化的规律,以及在不同电压下轴向电子密度的分布。 实验结果表明:在不同位置处,电子密度随电压的增加而增加,在增加过程中都存在电子密度平台区,在该区域内电子密度随电压缓慢增加。 轴向电子密度在放电管中部存在密度峰值,当电压超过一定阈值后密度峰值由一个变成两个,在靠近阳极区域电子有一定程度的聚集。

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姚 琨
关键词:  直流放电  激光干涉  电子密度     

The laser interference diagnosis system is built independently ,and the phase difference of two laserchannels is cealeulated by analyzing the interferenee image , and then the eleetron density is obtained from thephase difference.The rule of electron density variation with voltage at different positions and the distribution olaxial electron density at different voltages in eylindrical plasma discharge are studied by this diagnostic system.The experimental results show that the eleetron density inereases with the inerease of voltage at differentlocations ,and there is a plateau region of electron density in the increasing process , in which the electrondensity increases slowly with the increase of voltage.There is a density peak in the middle of the dischargetube.When the voltage exceeds a certain threshold,the number of density peaks changes from one to two , andthe electrons accumulate in the area near the anode to a certain extent.

Key words:  DC discharge    laser interference    eleetron density
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-34  
姚 琨, 李广泽, 姚陆锋, 刘海楠, 杨海彬, 程华杰. 氖气直流放电中轴向电子密度分布的实验研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 6-12.
YA Kun , LI Guangze , YAO Lufeng, LIU Hainan , YANG Haibin , CHENG Huajie. Experimental Study of Axial Electron Density Distributionin Neon DC Discharge . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 6-12.
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