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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 49-52
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薛治平 ,周昱萱 1,2 ,伍卓柱 ,代 唯 ,魏 华 1
1.重庆大学 物理学院,重庆 400031;2.北京大学 电子学院,北京 100871;3.育才中学校,重庆 400051
Experimental Study on an Electrorheological Fluid Grating
XUE Zhiping1,ZHOU Yuxuan1,2,WU Zhuozhu1,DAI Wei3,WEI Hua1
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利用电流变液在电场作用下可以形成周期性链状结构的性质,在实验上制作了电流变液态光栅。 搭建了产生均匀、细小激光光束的光路装置,调制了均匀、浓度适当的电流变液,并以此为材料在电场作用下形成了电流变液态光栅。 利用电流变液态光栅,观察到了标准的光栅衍射现象。 测量了电流变液态光栅的光栅常数、衍射条纹间距等实验数据,分析处理,总结了数据。 为了验证流体光栅的物理性质,进一步做了液态光栅和传统固态光栅的对比实验,发现两者的对比度十分良好。

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代 唯
魏 华
关键词:  巨电流变液  液态光栅  光栅常数  衍射     
Abstract: Using the properties that electrorheological fluid can form periodic chain structure under the electricfield,we have made electrorheological fluid grating experimentally. We set up a liquid grating device withconcentrated giant electrorheological fluid illuminated by an uniform laser beam with small spot. Under theaction of electric field, we observed the standard optical grating diffraction phenomenon. Furthermore, wemeasured the experimental data such as grating constant and diffraction fringe spacing, and we summarized theexperimental data.To verify the physics in fluid grating,we compared traditional grating with liquid grating bymeasuring the grating constant for the same diffraction fringes , the error analysis shows that the fluid gratingdata fit very well.
Key words:  giant electrorheological fluid    liquid grating    grating constant    diffraction
                    发布日期:  2023-12-25     
ZTFLH:  O 436  
薛治平 , 周昱萱 , 伍卓柱 , 代 唯 , 魏 华 . 电流变液态光栅实验研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(6): 49-52.
XUE Zhiping, ZHOU Yuxuan, WU Zhuozhu, DAI Wei, WEI Hua. Experimental Study on an Electrorheological Fluid Grating . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(6): 49-52.
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