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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 54-57
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手机 OLED 屏幕子像素排布的观察与颜色合成实验
王希成,刘文晶 * ,赵争妍,刘 斌,张水合
兰州大学 材料与能源学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
Experiments of Observation of Sub-pixel Arrangement ofCellphone OLED Screen and Combination of Color
WANG Xicheng,LlU Wenjing*,ZHAO Zhengyan, LIU Bin,ZHANG Shuihe
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三基色原理是彩色显示器件的基本原理之一,颜色合成实验是物理实验体系中体现三基色原理的常见实验。将实验内容与日常生活紧密结合,激发学生的学习兴趣,是提升实验教学效果的有效手段。学生自己的手机作为实验仪器设计的手机 OLED 屏幕子像素分布的观察与颜色合成实验能够在完成颜色相加混合实验的同时,调动学生的探究热情,实现良好的教学效果。与现行实验相比,开展实验不需要额外光源和颜色合成仪,成本大幅降低,具有良好的推广意义。

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刘 斌
关键词:  手机  OLED 屏幕  子像素排布  颜色合成     

The theory of three primary colors is one of the principles of color-conversion display devices, and the experiment of color-conversion is a common experiment showing the principle of three primary colors in thephysical experiment system. By combination the experimental content with daily life, it is effective to improvethe experimental teaching effect stimulate students’ learing interest. The students can use their own mobilephone as the experimental instrument for the observation of sub-pixel distribution of OLED sereen in the color-conversion experiment, which can not only complete the experiment but also mobilize students’ enthusiasm for exploration and achieve good teaching elfect. In this study, the designed experiment in this study does not needadditional light souree and color-converter compared with the current experiment. The designed experiment greatly reduces the cost and has good promotion significance.

Key words:  cellphone    OLED screen    sub-pixel arrangement    combination of color
                    发布日期:  2024-10-25     
ZTFLH:  O 551.1  
王希成, 刘文晶 , 赵争妍, 刘 斌, 张水合. 手机 OLED 屏幕子像素排布的观察与颜色合成实验 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(5): 54-57.
WANG Xicheng, LlU Wenjing, ZHAO Zhengyan, LIU Bin, ZHANG Shuihe. Experiments of Observation of Sub-pixel Arrangement ofCellphone OLED Screen and Combination of Color . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(5): 54-57.
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