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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 40-44
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陈少华 ,钟弘成 ,李博宁 ,吕志清 ,王 芳 1∗
1.中国石油大学(北京) 理学院,北京 102249;2.中国石油大学(北京) 安全与海洋工程学院,北京 102249;3.中国石油大学(北京) 石油工程学院,北京 102249
Design and Performance Study of Strain and TemperatureSensor Based on Graphite Sheet
CHEN Shaohua1 ,ZHONG Hongcheng2 ,LI Boning3 ,LÃ Zhiqing1, WANG Fang1*
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优异的理化性能使石墨材料在传感器领域成为了近年的研究热点。 设计了一种基于矩形悬臂梁、温控箱和湿度计的探究装置,测试了基于石墨片的应变和温度传感器的性能,其中,应变测量的线性度和灵敏度系数分别为 0.978 和 0.00196 Ω/με,温度测量的线性度和灵敏度系数分别为 0.945 和 0.05267 Ω/℃。 同时,还研究了湿度对于石墨片传感器性能的影响,发现湿度对石墨片导电性影响存在突变的阈值效应。 施加不同应变时,导电性突变的湿度临界值在 70%左右。 此研究结果表明,在利用石墨片进行电阻传感测量时,需在湿度低于 70%的环境中。

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王 芳
关键词:  石墨片  导电性  应变  温度  阈值效应  灵敏度     

Due to excellent physical and chemical properties , graphite materials have become a researchhotspot in the field of sensors in recent years.A probe device based on rectangular cantilever beam , temperaturecontrol box and hygrometer are designed.The performance of strain and temperature sensor based on graphitesheet is tested.The linearity and sensitivity coeficients of strain measurement are 0.978 and 0.001 96 /u8.respectively.The linearity and sensitivity coefficients of temperature measurement are 0.945 and 0. 052 67 Ω/℃ , respectively.At the same time , the influence of humidity on the performance of graphite sheet sensor isalso studied and it is found that there is a sharp threshold elfect of humidity on the conductivity of graph itesheet.When different strains are applied, the critical humidity value of electrical conductivity mutation is about7096.The results of this study show that if graphite sheets was utilized for strain measurements ,it is necessaryto setteled in an environment with humidity below 70%.

Key words:  graphite sheet    conductivity    strain    temperature    threshold elfeet    sensitivity
               出版日期:  2024-06-25      发布日期:  2024-06-25      整期出版日期:  2024-06-25
ZTFLH:  TP 212.1  
陈少华 , 钟弘成 , 李博宁 , 吕志清 , 王 芳 . 基于石墨片的应变和温度传感器设计与性能研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 40-44.
CHEN Shaohua , ZHONG Hongcheng , LI Boning , LÃ Zhiqing, WANG Fang. Design and Performance Study of Strain and TemperatureSensor Based on Graphite Sheet . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(3): 40-44.
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